Yupp, I bet you didn't even know I make maps. Only some of the map has spawned, but that's because it's a teaser you silly goose. The map's name is Comely. Contruction will probably be finished by the end of the month. Weapons and spawns should be done early January, then comes testing and revising. ever know how long that'll take. Should be out late January-early February.
Looks good so far, it has a pretty good layout, I would get rid of the window pannels thats just called lazy interlocking. I guess idk Looks good I like the stairs in the double box
N33dz moar internetz. Seriously. I can't screw around with a regenerator with your internet lagging so much It looks smexy since the last time I saw. I forget what you said. How big is it going to be?
The stairs in the box look pretty good. I guess this is the map you were asking if someone wanted to make it with you. I would've but I got grounded and I have to sneak my way on to fh. Anyway, I agree with eguitarplaya, you should remove the window panels.
I knew you made maps. I could sense it. How come you didn't post it under Forge Discussion? Did you forget? Are you stupid? lol jk but so far the map looks good. Nothing much yet but I sense something in you.
Yeah, I know. That's what I'm working on. I'm defining gameplay, because that's all that really matters. But I promise there will be something unique in the map, it just hasn't hit me yet. lol Why you hatin on the windows? They were for cover because there isn't much. It's one of the highest points in the map. Edit-BTW stairs in doublebox=mancannon leading up to window panel bridge. Edit again-can anyone help me with my connection problem?
Being the genius moderator that i am, i have split your thread in two. One half is for the Map (now in Halo Forge Discussion). The other half is in General Chat, relating to your Wireless connection. Don't create dual meaning threads again. Especially if the main content should be placed elsewhere.