Hey all, I've got a bit of a question, because I've been messing around with it for a while and can't quite seem to figure out how to do it. On Foundry, what is the best method to goemerging the signs straight into the ground? I've seen it done on a few maps and haven't been able to figure out how to get a straight merge going. Any tips?
Try save quitting on the top, not on the bump below. The thing is, the sign actually has some sort of a slope, and the "invisible field" around it that goes from the top to the base. Putting it anywhere near the bottom, actually makes the teleporter slanted. Put them on the way I said on the regular side, and on the sides, don't worry about it. Put it on the sides just the way you would on anything else. Doors on top. Geomerge Save-Quit kthnxbai hope that helps!
Sdrakulich pretty much covered everything, but I would like to add that you want to geomerge and save and quit as quickly as possable: one motion. Its a glitch on all imovable objects. It will come out perfect everytime.
I say, put reciever flat on all for sides of the sign, in the air by floating them. Then use the door method.
sdrakulich pretty much got it covered. heres my way. 1. Place sign vertically/horizontally against wall/floor of foundry 2. save and quit reciever nodes on all necessary sides 3. Save and quit door on necessary side 4. Grab sign, save, quit, restart. *5. rinse and repeat to desired level