Flat Track

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Big Perm Worm, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. Big Perm Worm

    Big Perm Worm Ancient
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    Map: Foundry
    Map Varient: Flat Track
    Game Types: Flag Bomb Slayer
    Perfered game: Multi Flag or Nuetral Bomb. smg and magnum start
    Players: 12 max
    Description: The map is symetrical. A raised U- shaped track connects the two bases. There is a ramp in the center where you can jump vehicals over the track.
    Notes: Its fun when you disarm the bomb at your base. then everyone gets on the mongooses and drives into the into the enemies base. If you can stay on the track? You cant drive into the base on ground level.
    Power Weapons: the rocket Launcher is on the center of the track. The sniper is under the ramp. the shotguns are in the huts. the needlers are near the Ghosts. The Gause Hogs are in front of the huts.






    #1 Big Perm Worm, Dec 9, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2008
  2. The Spartan III

    The Spartan III Ancient

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    this looks horrible, with no description, gameply info, or real pics. there's minimal info and 1 bad pic here.
  3. Leoparddude

    Leoparddude Ancient
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    This map is posted right, but, you really need to have more pics. You said that there were 2 bases so i would like to see those. And then with those posted i think this would be a pretty cool idea.
  4. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    The threads here at forgehub are for people to give suggestions, not completely flame the map. Dont hate.

    As to the map, I would like to see maybe a few more pictures, that show us the two bases and other aspects of the game. also try to add a weapons list or vehicles list. and please dont post pics directly from Bnet use This Guide
    to help get better high res pics. Happy forging and welcome to forgehub
  5. Big Perm Worm

    Big Perm Worm Ancient
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    True I do need pics of the bases. I used to always try and keep pics to a minimum due to lack of space in the screenshots. but know that Im using photobucket I can put up more pics.
    This is my first try at posting a thread. Gettin a feel for the forums. I was shocked to see the how much info some people post. Its a kinda overkill. Show me one good pic and Ill download the map. Rather than read about tiny details just go play it and you'll probably know it all in less than 5 min.
  6. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    the map is definetly more unique, and I actually thought it was a racetrack at first.

    the only problem is the gauss hog.

    in such an open map and smg starts the gauss will obliterate all other people.

    you might want to have a look at the map "The Lobbies" by Cosimic Rick or "Gridlocked" by Draw The Line as those are probably my two favorite uses of the gauess hog in a foundry map.

    and one more thing, although i do think you should promote your map more by adding more pictures, the rocket and sniper in the center of the map will cause very single-player power weapon carrying.

    although the theme of the map seems to be using vehicles to win but the warthog still hinders there.

    take a look around at elite forgers as they may have different ideas, but they still know how to make maps with good gameplay.
    #6 HydroZoid, Dec 9, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2008
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Try to give suggestions to the person rather than insulting their map.

    This map could have a lot of work put in it, gameplay shouldn't be a problem but fun wise and aesthetic wise its not so great. Try using double boxes and aesthetic items to make a track more clean and fun. And make it a bit longer.

    Looks good though
  8. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    No one gives credit anymore:( this could be a great map for games like CTF, TeamBall, Territories and Neurtral assult!
    #8 luckiesnipes, Dec 9, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  9. HalfBrian

    HalfBrian Ancient
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    I haven't really played it, so I can't judge the gameplay, but I think it would be more useful for driving the mongoose if the "track" was tilted so that the curves could be taken while going faster. You see this very often on race maps.

    The track seems like a great addition for getting away with the flag.

    Just a suggestion,
  10. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    I suggest you take some more time in Forge. This map looks like just a single, large, u-shaped structure with bridges and vehicles around it. Not a very competitive map either.
  11. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    My suggestion? Use what you've created as a starting point and build around it. If you want the track to be the focal point of the map, then that shouldn't be too hard to accomplish, but as it stands, the map is rather empty. Not horrible for a first submitted map, just a bit incomplete is all. ^_^
  12. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    Don't be so hard on him!

    Welcome to Forgehub! This map looks like a good start, but you need to A: Elaborate on some of the maps features a little more B: Add more to the map, as it is a bit bland and looks uninteresting and C: Make you post a little (O.K, a lot) more descriptive and interesting.

    Other than that, it looks like you have a long road ahead in your forging coureer, but it will pay off.
  13. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    a lot of people have said this, but you really need to add more info to your post, the outline of "a base" and "b base" really doesn't give me any idea what they look like. but other than that, keep up the good work. you've got teh clenliness down (from what i can tell) now u just need to add some innovative features and make your maps more interesting. also, if u need any help on your next map, just send me a pm.
  14. Big Perm Worm

    Big Perm Worm Ancient
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    I had a version with the track tillted. But I think its better when you have to brake a little to make it around the bend.

    As for the Gause hog. Yeah they probably would be overpowering but I wanted to see the mongooses get blasted off the track. Gause hogs are an overwhelming beast in all levels.

    I like smg magnums starts but only when theres an abundance of Assault rifles and BR and everyhting else. You are never not with in site of a weapon.

    Still Im happy to see people reading my thread, checkin out the map and giving thier opinion. I will use all the constructive critisim. Forgehub is so much better than the bungie forge groups.

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