iPod touch and iphone discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxAl Capwnagexx, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    I think the game thats like guitar hero is really sweet you should definitely get that on you ipod!!
  2. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I got the invisible shield, and I can't say that I like it, but I can't say that I ABSOLUTELY hate it.

    First, I went to put on the spray, and it wouldn't spray whatsoever, so I opened up the bottle and out comes half of it. It still had plenty of spray left, but still.

    I followed the instructions to a T, yet a small army of air bubbles attacked my screen and on the back. It took about 15-45 tries of re-applying the back, and I'm convinced that the dimensions of the sticker aren't correct (yes I have the Touch 2G and it was for the Touch 2G).

    The corners never had much adhesive on them, and were disappointing on how bad the design was. The squegee only takes out the gigantic bubbles, but none of the little ones. The screen still has a bunch of bubbles.

    If I don't have any spray left, and it has been on for 10+ minutes, will it matter if I try and go to best buy and get them to do it for me (since apparently this is beyond me). I was going to have them do it, but "lunch break" called and my brother wasn't going to wait.

    Grade: B-
  3. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    To be honest, those shitty little plastic 'screen protectors' do nothing but imprint whatever dust/hair etc that's on there when you apply it into the screen.
    When I first got my iPhone I practically babied it, to the point that I'd clean the screen every two minutes. (not literally)
    Anyway, I took the screen protector off, and have had my iPhone for a good 4 or 5 months now and it's not had a single scratch on the screen.
    I personally think they're a waste of money, and wouldn't buy one.
    I have one of these for my iPhone, so it doesn't get ****ed in my pocket though;
    Amazon.com: Sena 152201 UltraSlim Pouch for iPhone and iPhone 3G (Black): Cell Phones & Service
  4. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    well, I also lost the receipt, so no "life-time warranty" for me. ****.
  5. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Well, as long as you went for one of those decently priced packs it doesn't really matter, they will help to an extent but there's no real noticeable difference if you weren't to use one, y'know?
  6. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Game wise, get Jellycar and zombie invasion. Tap tap is decent but gets boring. Utility wise, if you have an iPHONE, get Shazam, because knowing knowing what song is playing really gets gay. DON'T get any holiday specials games. And if you're like me and have limited movie/xbox priveleges sometimes, get movies.
  7. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    The back still has bubbles, but the front now has a bunch of hair and crap all over it. $25 straight to the crapper. I know that they would recognize me if I went back in as I asked for help, but if I don't have the receipt they will act like they have never seen me before.

    Invisible shield is now a POS.

    edit: I'm going to scour the earth for my receipt and hopefully get a return from ZAGG or best buy. The thing already scratched. So much for industrial grade helicopter BS.
  8. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    To be honest, if I were you, I'd jailbreak it, you have nothing to lose because it's an iTouch as opposed to an iPhone (Which doesn't have any real risk besides losing contacts anyway)
    Obviously it's personal preference in terms of whether you're willing to pay good money for horrible apps when you make that wrong decision in the App Store :p
  9. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I've been thinking about jail breaking, but what apps/games would I gain by doing so? The only thing that enticed me to do so so far was winter/summer board, because some of them just look awesome.

    Also, can 2.2 be jail broken?
  10. Mikey

    Mikey Ancient
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    I thought that the 2nd Generation iPod Touch could not be Jailbroken.
  11. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I thought that also but I was not sure
  12. ch33s3yboy

    ch33s3yboy Ancient
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    I too have one :D and since mine is jailbroken *cough*i get them apps for free*cough* so I have a wide variety.

    Best Free ones:
    Tap Tap
    Jelly Car
    Trace (I love this game it has 120 levels of difficult awesomeness, and its unique)
    Maze finger
    and basically any of the lite versions of any popular apps

    Best Paid:
    Aqua Forest
    Guitar Rock Tour
    Tap Tap Dance
    Line Rider
    iShoot (this one is a lot of fun to play, especially in class)
    toy Bot

    Fun pointless paid apps:
    Sonic boom
    Koi Pond
    Spin art
    Amy AI

    Those are all ones I enjoy, and I regularly get new ones so I'll fill you in :D
  13. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Hmm, sorry I had no idea about this.
    Well hopefully they develop a workaround to allow you to jailbreak it.
  14. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    I just had the **** scared out of me. My iPod wouldn't charge. Turns out my computer and USB ports are SO low powered and old that I have to disconnect everything (including the monitor it was hooked up to) to be able to charge the device. I freaked out, I thought at first I broke it or something.
  15. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    I managed to crash my dad's iPhone back when he first got it, he ended up freaking out 'cos it wouldn't charge, reboot or shut down :p
  16. E93

    E93 Guest

    I got mine about 3-4 weeks ago. I <3 it.

    Some apps I have that I like (All free)

    • Cooliris
    • Google Earth
    • NY Times
    • Fring
    • TWC
    • Pandora
    • Urbanspoon
    • i.TV
    • Coversions (a2z PRO)
    • GraphCalc
    • SportsTap
    • WiFinder
    • Fake-A-Call
    • Tap Tap Revenge
    • Cube Runner

    You should at least check these out. Delete them later if you will.

    Here's the case I use:

    These type of cases actually protect your iPod, instead of cases like these:


    My iClear Griffin Case also came with a screen protector, so I feel like..protected.
  17. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Very nice, I had one of those cases (Or similar) for my iPhone but couldn't be bothered with it anymore.
    I've had 3 iPhones since they were first released (since non-3G)
    Long story short, sold one to get the 3G, didn't like it, sold it on ebay and got £100 profit, bought original iPhone again :D
  18. xxAl Capwnagexx

    xxAl Capwnagexx Ancient
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    that's definitely an odd story. I thought 3G was much faster than the EDGE?

    I've tried most of those apps and have many of them downloaded, E93.

    I went to best buy to try out some cases, and I liked a different one from GRIFFIN, the Wave. It looks much better in real life then the picture on amazon or ebay.

    invisible shield update: They agreed to send me a new one, but I have to pay for shipping. The thing scratched after a few hours of use. Crap! But I will still use it as it protects the ipod/iphone very well from scratches. I also will buy the wave case mentioned above. That's like $50 on protection, lol.
  19. fiery

    fiery Ancient
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  20. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Top Free:
    Facebook - I have both Facebook and Myspace, but the Facebook one I like more due to its clean, streamlined look. Plus, Facebook>Myspace.

    AIM - I have a phone AIM, but it's really clunky to use. The iPod Touch's one is organized in a better way.

    Tap Tap Revenge - But of course you've heard of this.

    Space Deadbeef - Great arcade-style game. Trace enemies to lock on, then release to fire a barrage of missiles.

    Galcon Lite - Very fun strategy game. Point your starfighters to capture distant planets. Math is invloved.

    Fingeric - Awesome three finger game. Tap, slide, rotate, and hold dots to progress through levels.

    Mocha VNC Lite - When I need to connect to my Ubuntu server at home, I use this so I can use the nice graphical interface. SSH is fine, but it's a pain if I have use terminal all the time.

    Holy Wars - I admit it, I'm a sucker for statistics. Especially when everyone in the world is participating in it. Coke vs. Pepsi, PC vs. Mac, Democratic vs. Republican: it's anonymous, fun, and you can make your own questions.

    Binary Clock - Because I'm a douche, and I like showing off my geekery.

    Top Paid:
    HallOfMirrors ($.99) - The game is far too easy, even on Hard mode, but it's clever and fun at the same time. At 99 cents, it's worth a shot.

    AquaForest ($7.99) - A trifle bit expensive, but it's very fun. Not only is it a physics simulator (You can move objects around by tilting), you can play through puzzles. Objects you can make include water, fire, wood, some explosive liquid, springy ropes, and immobile material.

    Jaadu RDP ($24.99) - It's ****ing expensive, but it's possibly the best app in my library. With it, I can connect to Windows XP (Home and Pro) and Vista (Home Edition only) computers from anywhere that I can get wifi. The reason Jaadu is so much better than Mocha RDP Lite is because it offers custom resolution sizes, toggling between numbers of colors (Hundreds vs. Thousands), and it's pretty much the only one I've found that streams audio (though a bit laggily, it works; I've played music through with only minor lag).

    Air Mouse ($5.99) - Very awesome tool. It's a remote mouse/keyboard for your computer. You install a server program to your Windows or Mac, and then Air Mouse will automatically connect and sync. There are two mouse modes: touch pad, and air mouse. Touch pad is basically like a touch pad on your laptop. Air mouse, on the other hand, let's you move the cursor by waving your iPod in the air. Both modes come with Left and Right buttons, as well as a scroll.

    Snap ($1.99) - Basically, it's a techie thing. If you're not into computer security, move along. It'll scan the network you're connected to, list devices (routers, computers, iPod Touches (although not all; it doesn't show up a few computers I connect over WiFi)), show some info about them like DHCP address and MAC addresses, and list their open ports.

    Also, here's my case, although mine's is a bit different (orange-er):

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