I just wanted to know, in your opinion, what are the most intense places on Halo 3 for gameplay? Like the elevator area on Guardian, or the Rocket spawn on The Pit. They can even be from Forged maps, like the drop down grates on Sewage Lines. However if you do post a Forged map, please provide a link to the page. Because chances are I won't know all the maps you mention.
I'm gonna have to say that the tunnels/underground of Snowbound host possibly the most intense gameplay in Halo. Other than that, Epitaph on Crazy King is insane as well.
How could I forget the tunnels under snowbound? That's one of my favorite places to battle it out, especially in Oddball and Slayer.
Definitely the underground tunnels in Snowbound. It's usually the middle of maps that seem the most hectic. It seems to be common knowledge right?
That's the kind of stuff I like to hear. Don't just repeat something someone else has said without saying something new. Ya' know maybe what you like about it specifically. For Example - The Gold Lift on Guardian. When the action gets centered in here it never seems to stop. Even if everyone dies, when the first person spawns they'll rush back to help their team, only to be attacked by by the next person spawning and coming back to the room, starting the cycle all over again.
ghost town, where the open lanes intersect [near the camo] actually, any map that has an open space with both teams directed towards it will host intense battles.
I'm gonna have to go with the purple lifts on construct. So many people go up there and its great when one team is in the glass room and the other is on the other side of the lift and they are trying to rush and chuck grenades and stuff like that.
No, most common intense places on a specific map. Not BTB on a small map. Another good one is the middle on Standoff. Warthogs, infantry, etc. basically is a melting pot of grenades Brs and power drains. Especially the first middle rush for laser. Good stuff.
That was the stupidest comment I have ever heard(well maybe not the STUPIDEST). That would be funny for 16 people on Guardian though.
My vote (Other than what people have said 3 times) is the Lobby on Construct. Nades get tossed in there rapidly, and lots of battles meet there.
Lets see if I can think of a new one... Aha! The bridge area of Narrows, ducking in and out of the bottom part for cover. Being in a BR battle only to have someone grab the sniper or rocket and kill everyone down there.
Gaudian's Blue Room, KoTH, that can pretty intense. You can get loads of multi-kills there if your lucky, you have to be prepared though, otherwise you get killed really quickly. That's pretty intense. Infection games on Rat's Nest can get intense too, especially if your the last man standing and you're hiding on one of the lights because it seems like there's no immediate danger of being killed, but once the zombies find you, they're all over you. Or when you and someone on the opposing team both get the sniper rifles but neither of you are really that good with it! Running from left to right hoping that your random shots hit first!
Guardian- Lift and the "Dead Center" (Middle Platform) Snowbound- Underground Cavern Thats all I can think of at the moment =P
Or when you kill the other person then someone on his team picks it up that knows how to use the sniper and blows your brains all over the wall in a single shot.