Map: Avalanche Map Varient: Carnival Game Types: VIP Players: Description: Theres a ferris wheel, a bouncy castle, 7 games, plus a vip race with mongooses. here are the games: most can be played 2 player -gernade game- Stand where the plasma gernades spawn and try to throw them into the targets. There are 4 targets in a diamond pattern. Can you get 4 in a row? For a real challenge theres 3 real high and 1 far away. -gernade game- see if you can hit the all four targets in the diamond pattern with a fire gernade. having all 4 lit at once. -shooting gallery- Stand at the edge of the giant man cannon facing the base. Stand where the BR spawns and try to hit all 5 power cells. Who ever hits their five first wins. -shooting gallery- Stand at the edge of the cliff in the back of the map. Grab a magnum and hit the fusion coils. 8 bullets a clip. 8 targets to hit. -shooting gallery- Go through the teleport to reach the sniper rifles. Aim at the 10 power cores and 8 fusion coils. -shooting gallery- stand on top of the bouncy castle. Grab the rocket and shoot the 4 crates floating in the air. 2 near 2 far. Hit them and they fall onto the giant man cannons. -shooting gallery- Stand on the bouncy castle and use the brute shot, fuel rod gun, or missle pod to shoot the fusion coils, or the crates floating in the sky. -puzzle- use the grav lifts and figure out how to reach the top car of the ferris wheel. -fun- theres a ramp next to the giant mann cannon near the back of the map. Stand on it and knock the four fusion coils into the mann cannon. -race- Use a VIP race setting and race mongooses around the map. Who ever collects the most checkpoints wins.
hey how bout more pics? that'd be useful. id really like to c the bouncy castle, i dont get how you do that.
Yea the games seem really cool, and yea more pics would be nice. And its on something besides Foundry which makes it all the more better
What's so difficult about downloading the map, unless your Xbox is inaccessible. You should download it before you rate it in the first place. Anyway, this is a very well designed aesthetic map. The bouncy castle seems the most intriguing.
theres is a really good one on foundry. i like the ferris wheel. is there any more games btw? if there is add pics. cuz if it was just the ferris wheel and a few baricades, then thats not really impressive...
Why don't you read the post? It seems like you never do, every time you comment on a map. Their are many more games, don't just look at pictures.
Adding pics is what gets people to dl! it shows whether the map is worth dling or not! but yea i agree read the post oh btw nice map! sounds fun!
i'm restrictd from my xbox nd my stupid 100 dollar adapter isnt working. plus my bungie dl que is full
very creative. I espescially like the farris wheel ive never seen this be done before. Its really cool. and I like the plasma throwing its like your in a real carnival cool map idea dude. 5/5 creativity 4/5 forging technique 4.5/5 overall
Really creative and non-foundry. The shooting gallery idea seems to be a little overused, however. Nonetheless, it still seems like you have concocted some pretty fun "game types". DLing now, and also, are there teleporters to the different games? Avalanche is a pretty big map.