This was a map pack for the Ghosts of Onyx Non-DLC Contest. There is one competitive CTF game with two maps, and an infection game, but I chose to put this in Competitive because it has two competitive maps, and I wanted to stress the point that this is Non-Foundry. Gametype: SnipeFlag v3 | Map: SF Epilogue | Map: SF Guardian SnipeFlag is a long-time custom game classic in my parties. It varies greatly from the default CTF. Power weapons are removed from the map, and you will find an abundance of Carbines, BRs, Duals, and the occasional Mauler. You spawn with a Sniper Rifle, with infinite ammunition, and 110% speed. Normally, CTF on small maps like Epilogue and more-so Guardian are extremely easy to capture. SnipeFlag encourages this fast-paced tempo by having no score restriction in a four minute round. There are four rounds, and your team tries to score as many caps as possible as the defence must demonstrate quick triggers. To make it harder on the defence, there is no flag returning or resetting. Unless a flag falls off the edge, if it's dropped, it's staying where it is. The maps do not vary greatly, except for the weapon set. Each map has a custom powerup, which gives you 125% speed, active camo, and makes you resistant to headshots. They spawn every two minutes to help either force that last capture or to help the defence sneak up on the offense. Finally, there is no radar, unless you have the flag. When you are the flag carrier, you have a one-hit beatdown, and allies-only radar. It is very normal for these games to end with a score of somewhere around 15-13. Both maps play differently. Getting to the flag may be easier in Epilogue, considering the attackers can much more easily get to the custom powerup. However, the route back to the cap point is longer. In these ways, it is a bit more like "standard" CTF. Guardian is a bit for the more experienced players, and is a group favorite. It is a very difficult task to reach the flag in bottom blue, but once you have it, pass it up the lift and run to elbow for the capture. However, the custom powerup at Gold 3, plus multiple routes, makes battle spread throughout the map nicely. Gameplay video. Gametype: Infiltrate | Map: Inf. High Ground Infiltrate is a unique Stronghold-type infectio that will have you leaping out of your seat. It was intended to revive classic, pure infection, and rival the old, repetitive Fat Kid and 300% speed, 1-shot zombies. The High Ground map gives you a network of connected buildings to hold down against the zombies, who intend to sabotage and infect you. There are many useful hidden weapons, such as a Fuel Rod gun, Power Drain [/b](Which proves to be the best offensive weapon), Bubble Shield, Firebombs, and more. Nothing respawns except equipment. Two zombies start each round by entering their ghosts (Otherwise they are slow). They are incredibly hard to kill, and will circle the bases looking for unfortunate prey. The zombies sometimes are known by their class, in which these are the hunters. It is advised to avoid these versatile tanks, and find safe ground. However, when infected, you are faster and weaker than normal (By a fair amount, 150% speed). These are the infiltrators who will flush out the campers. Pick your poison, because they are both coming for you. if you survive to be the last man, you deal much more damage than normal, however you have a waypoint. Zombies do not have radar. It is a three-munite game. Having problems flushing out a camper? At 2:30, a single custom powerup will deploy. Picking it up gives you a three-second ability to pick up weapons. Specifically, the bubble shield and grenades at your feet. Use those to help your zombie brethren to seek out the campers. Gameplay Video. Want to see more from my group and I? Click the link in my sig.
Wow man, great post. Editing is amazing as well. Good to see you entering the Ghosts of Onyx contest, and I have to say I already love snipeflag. A perfect blend of adrenaline and tactical captures. I have not yet played on these, but I will get in a game with you later today or tomorrow and edit this post with a good review. It's gonna be hard for Medic! to beat this... I never played Infiltrate but it looks and sounds like fun. I will try to get in a game on this as well. Again, great post, great map, great gametype!
Thanks Smeagle. I have Photoshop Elements from 3 years ago, so I did the best I could. I think Sam, Furry, Fatal and Golfer have probably played over 75 games of SnipeFlag in my parties, and maybe 20 Infiltrate (Which is newer). SnipeFlag is about as far away from standard CTF as you get.
Very nice post, love the editing. I really love the way you make your posts nice to make your map look 3 times better than it already is. I have not been much of a fan of your maps but this one is an exception. As I always ask people about their maps best gametype and stuff, which map is better for you? Infiltrate or SnipeFlag. BTW, I'll download when my queue is finished downloading the other maps. Great job.
It really depends on your gameplay style. SnipeFlag is a very laid-back form of CTF, but the competitive players often like it. Infiltrate suits a wide amount of players because of its simplicity (In a way, at least).
I'm the purple guy in every Infiltrate picture getting his ass kicked. Great game types and great maps. Very creative and innovative for pre-DLC content. Not to mention that this kicks bland Foundry maps and their game types out of the park. I <3 Snipeflag & Infiltrate! I will return with some reviews later and stuff, kay? kthxbai!
Lol yeah, you and Crusty got lots of attention in these. I especially enjoy the last one where Crusty ends up sacrificing his life for you as you pose for the camera. Looking forward to the reviews Furry. I've made a few positive changes to Infiltrate since the last time you played on it. Last Man is much more powerful and the custom powerup means no camping problem.
Perhaps we can get some more "reviewing" sessions in then. I don't want to post a false review on some old versions of the maps. I have only played High Ground once or twice but besides one or two spawn problems I found it amazingly fun.
Pretty incredible editing sir. Snipeflag? That looks like it'll play some insane games, no doubt my face will take the biggest toll. Infiltrate looks pretty intense too, I love the idea of the custom powerup, and basically bringing Fat Kid and Braaaains to High Ground something that's never happened since ever. Nice one, I'll check it out.
Haha, I think that last pic is one of those times Furry is eating a cookie and isn't playing, either that or he was so tired he didn't notice the zombie running straight at him! Anyway; Snipeflag: I've played this a bunch of times, and apart from CTF on Fissure, this is the only time I like to play CTF! The match we played earlier today was brilliant, and the only phrase that could describe it is organised chaos, and we were only playing 3v3! The map itself is incredibly simplistic, but works so well that it would never grow old. I personally think the gametype is great too, I forgot exactly what it is set at, but the speed is perfect in terms of movement. Infiltrate: It's been a long time since I've played this collection of maps, but it most certainly won't be the last; The one thing I notice whenever I play Infiltrate as a human, is that it isn't one of those maps/gametypes that's impossible for the infected to get to the humans. Every game that I've played of Infiltrate has had something that has made me say "wow!" The great thing about the maps and gametype is the suspense when playing. There's frequent times where I get caught in the middle of an unexpected raid, wiping out 5 humans at a time. We need to play both Infiltrate and SnipeFlag more often, that's for sure. I'll have to let you know what I think of the newer versions of the Infiltrate set of maps when I get to play them. PS. Remember that time I managed to get a score of -80 on that one match on Standoff Infiltrate?! Good times
I love the way you posted up your maps. These have probably the best mix of competitive/casual gametypes I've seen outside of Foundry, and I will be checking those out later tonight. Regretably, I can't download SF Epilogue right now since I'm out of space (I only get an hour on weekdays, so I'll be trying it out later if I like the concept). Very nice map posts too. You made it very organized and easy to read. No wall of texts, good screenshots, and awesome looking headers (which had cool pictures).
Thanks. I know some people may be inclined not to DL because there aren't lots of screens displaying the map itself, but the description really sayd it all and makes the screenshots make more sense.
I personally think that map posts that use a lot of pictures of just the maps in question with not much else tend to be boring, and I love the way you present all your projects, with interesting and sometimes funny screenshots which grab your attention and make you download. As I said in my previous post (Or I may not have done) well done on a great set of maps and gametypes!
Ugh, sorry I would have tested last night, but I ran out of space and it didn't download the maps. I have to redo it all today (plenty of time, today's a snow day here). Just one thing I'd like to fix, say the custom powerup on Guardian is by camo, because I don't believe Gold 3 exists, lol.
Lol, as you can see, I'm an avid MLG expert. Whatevah, I'll edit it. Enjoy the maps when you get around to tests.
I finally got a game together, we did 2 games of Snipeflag on the Guardian map. I thoroughly enjoyed myself, despite losing pretty badly in one game. The other actually ended up as I tie, I believe. Anyway, some epic moments, I took a couple of video clips. Handsome Rob had some complaints about allowing a Mauler to have infinite ammo, I'm not sure if he told you like I asked him to. But I had a great time. I hope to get some more games on this, and your others that I haven't played yet, we should be holding a session for all the contest entries, maybe this weekend.
I too was able to play Snipeflag and it was actually pretty damn fun. I am not the greatest Sniper in the world, but at times I felt like it. I had a few pretty sweet no scopes :0) The game makes me feel like it's trying to train me in being a better sniper. Having that objective gives it a sense of urgency and helps you pull that trigger just a little quicker. Good job on this man and I would definitely play this again if given the chance.
Glad to hear you guys could get a game in. The mauler is certainly the power weapon of the map, but both teams have a chance at it throughout four rounds. Without it, I feel the games would be a lot more bland. But we'll have to see. It has a habit of bringing out the best no-scopes in all of us, and I'm glad you guys enjoyed the gameplay.