I have several question about this mode. i just unlocked it and i remember hearing that the more people you have, the harder it is. Also i just wanted to know what kind of strategies people are using. One i thought worked is in level one or two, leave one zombie alive, outside tearing off boards, and just get points for that. also, in later levels, if you only have one zombie left in the wave, you can run around repairing and getting more ammo without using your intermission time.
A good trick is to get a small team, get good weapons from the help room random weapon box, get upstairs via the help room stairs, leaving the other stairs closed, and staying upstairs near where the first room stairs lead, the zombies can only enter via the door (80%) and the window on the right (20%) If you all have good weapons, you should be able to fight off until about wave 17 I've got to wave 15 with my brother (12 years old), and wave 13 on my own, so with a good team and good weapons, you may be able to achieve waves 20+
I have yet to play this. Is it good? And what do you mean you just got it, do you have to unlock the game mode?
Doesn't make any difference! Anyway, camp by the grenades basically. Or find a glitch that isn't patched. ^^ March 19th, there's new DLC for cod WAW, including a new N.Z. map. (price not confirmed) Have fun.
Something thats fun to do when your not playing a serious game of zombies is to score as much points as you can early on, then open everything and let the chaos ensue! Be sure to play with 3 other random people, it's funny to hear what they say. "How the heck did all of this get open!?!" "WTF WHERE DID HE COME FROM!?"