I hate forums where kids don't realize when they are typing in ****ing ridiculously irritating colored font. And Zelda. Never had a taste for it.
Oops Ah, sorry, i didn't realise until i'd already done it... I've revived one of the biggest threads ever.. WHAT HAVE I DONEE!!?! :embarassed:
I have to say lost planet. There is not room for errors because it is basically timed and some of the boss battles or so Freakin hard I just quit. I got the game when it came out and still havn't beaten it.
I have to E.T the game for NES and it's in Mexico barried somewhere in the dessert if you want one......look on youtube for E.T the game.....it sucked.....also Just to let you know I have 1000g in CoD4
Hmmm i have quite a few... A lot of Star Wars games get obnoxious. They are fun and enjoyable at first then get ridiculously hard. I also hate ridiculously hard RPG's and some really long RPG's as well... I really don't have too many games that piss me off though
Most realistic racing games, like Grid and DiRT, they are just so god damn hard, i always give up : (
Sports games, I really see no fun factor in them whatsoever. (Nfl, soccer, baseball, boxing, you know, the works.)
fable 2 im sitting going...wtf do i look like such a dickface? then rage ensues because its just lame and i need to give it back to my mate
That game took me like 3 hours to beat it was really easy. I'm going with old 2-d scrollers hated them all. They kept taking my quaters.
I entirely agree with you, Fbu. In the Philippines, ppl are crazy with DoTA! I hate it so much!! They keep talking about nerdy stuff. DoTA is so immature.
Metal Slug - Oh my freakin' god that game pissed me off. Hardest, game, ever ><. Metal Slug is the very epitome of an arcade game that does everything in it's power to kill you over and over again so that you keep spending money on it like you have a god damn waterfull of money flowing out of your trousers and into the machine. Yet the game makes it JUST possible enough so that you want to keep playing despite the fact it's literally raping you. I loved that game, I never did complete it though, I became bankrupt.
I would say that the game that pisses me off the most is Call of Duty 4 online because of all of the one shot one kill weapons.
hmmm mine would have to be spyro 2 when i was 4 i had it for the PS2 and i would go into a rage everytime i lost os much i had to go into timeout! -_-
i'm playing the portal: still alive challenge maps right. and i'm pissed off. I spend ages trying to figure out something that appears to be unsolvable, then when i figure it out, it's something that is so obscure and weird and just not fair. Another thing, since they are based off the portal levels, they are familiar, but missing anything that helps you. i'm talking about the last few challenge maps, the rest of the game makes me feel good. i love the game though. all games piss me off at some point really. once i start sucking at most any game, i get pissed, and when i get pissed, it causes me to suck even more, causing me to get more pissed off, in turn making me suck even more, and so on, and so forth. I have a complex.
Gears of war. Sometimes your shotgun is like the god of all shotguns that will blow off 5 peoples head across the map at once.(slight hyperbole) Or it will just shoot like a ****ing glitter cannon or some ****... Also, bullet lag pisses me off.
Halo 3 pisses me off sometimes. And Resistance 1. I mean, I'm sure PS3s can make some good games, and the graphics were good on this, but: WHEN YOU RUN UP TO A CHLIMERA AND SHOOT IT IN THE FACE WITH A ****ING SHOTGUN, IT SHOULD DIE! End of. The game failed me on Level 1 on Easy. Never again.