Pretty hot. Two main complaints, though, the BG on the left looks kinds of weird. Maybe blend/smudge it more? Also, the red swirls are just out of place. [EDIT: Ahhh, I see that's part of the text. Change it. Maybe try to write 'Actually Cool' along one of those black shards] You need to remove those. Other than that it's good. For the record, First Name = Brian, Last Name = Campbell, as in the soup company, so some friends call me Soupy. Hence, Briansoupy. Also, there's a famous hockey play by the same name and they call him Soupy or Briansoupy. He was recently traded to Chicago, where I live.
Pretty good, although slightly oversharpened in some areas and dull on the left side. But you certainly know what you're doing with lighting. Edit: The vertical line on the right side (perhaps it came from your brushes) kills depth, so I'd remove that.
Dontknowme, you have been here long enough to know that you have to CnC another person's sig if it is still up for CnC. Sucks for you cause im in a bad mood, you dont get any CnC from me (its not very good anyways). Valkyrie, i love the amount of colours in the sig for one. its the first thing i notice. The sharpness, though maybe slightly overdone, looks great, and the render blends very well. If there was one thing i didnt like, it would be the smooth wisp coming from the bottom left hand corner. it clashes with the sharpness of everything else. Otherwise, i love the background and cant think of much more to say about it
Ummm... No comment at this time about something I know that you don't but it will come to light very soon. Anyways here is a variation of a sig I posted recently and a new one. Taylor Swift Makes Everything Better Mine... I don't really think it's great but w/e... CnC please.
um teh taylor swift i feel like the center of interest in that picture is the big log on the side idk my eyes just seem to look at it instead of taylor swift heres mine i made last year
Mmmmm.... Taylor swift is just too gorgeous to not make a sig perfect. I don't really like the text though... It's also way to small. The contrast and colors are good though. The sparkles by her eye also add a nice touch. Me likey
The vertical one with the city BG is pretty good, I think. Maybe make her lingerie colored or the city colored and screw the tatoo idea, I don't like the way it looks. The Taylor Swift one by dontknowme good because the background if prefect for the render. Only thingis the text isn't very good, don't like the font or placement. Altair, v2:
Way too boring. Throw in some C4D's or smudging or something. The clone stamp isn't really working either. Kinda bright also. CnC plz... Portland: San Francisco:
^I like the design, but can't quite read the words cammy from street fighter V1 V2 any blame for bad renders goes to terrax
Ummmm... I don't really like the sig in general. The BG is boring and the render is fine... It wasn't meant for a dark BG. Also I rendered with a color select... w/e
Okay... Time to let the cat out of the bag. This sig is stolen it is also posted on Deviant Art by someone else. Many of his other sigs posted at are stolen and all findable on Deviant Art. This was discovered by TDH... Just to add insult to injury, some of his real work can be found here Some of my sigs(Willing to make some if anyone wants.) - LG Nation. ^All above research was done by TDHarding^ Oh and Hari... Yes just a tad. Glad you like them =)
As far as sigs go, both of them are just horrible. Adding a lady with few clothes does not make your sig better. The background is horrible, and the text is hard to see on the first one. The second has nothing but text and someone's skin. Otherwise there is nothing else there. Needs plenty of work.