i've been rockin walkie talkie for a minute since i've come back to halo (as i always do) i'm not much of a jumper, i find i'm a sitting duck in the air- WT gives me a better melee (and your damn straight, i started the WT use in ranked matchmaking, and it killed me rank for sure) and i like the ability to talk while running, so if i'm in battle i can still inform my team of stuff and things - the thing that took the longest to perfect was the running grab of duallies, i used to just hold the bumpers, and now it's sliding my thumb over X and B and the same time... took a minute... as a side note, the game that took me away from halo for the past month and a half was COD4, so i agree, i wish i could setup the controls more like that (or, well i did wish it, i have these controls down, so when i play cod4 i'll want to switch them to halo-like controls... haha)
I highly recommend bumper jumper as said above, it increases aiming ability in the air. Although as also stated above, the switch to melee is the hardest thing to cope with. h Currently I have just switched to BJ (yes I know but I'm a twisted person ) and have sensitivity 10, inverted y axis and vibration on.
damn, i thought i would already progressive using walkie talkie... but that bumper jumper rocks the casbah! i think the deciding factor for me wasn't the bumper for jump, it was the weapons/reloads are A and B, as opposed to X and B... way easier... it's added 5 or more kills a round for me (on average)
i use deafault but once i accedently switched it to southpaw or idk whats its called. I lost like 5 games in MM before i found out wat was wrong
I'm diggin' on the bumper jumper. I haven't played a match with it yet, but it seems as if the jumping ability is better.
I've always used default, but it seems a ton of people love bumper jumper. I'm gunna try it and see how it is.
Default. i heard bumper jumper is really good for BR, and Melee cos you can aim better while jumping, you dont have to take your hand off the aiming analogue stick.