*OCTASIS* This is a symmetric map that's great for 2v2's, 1v1's, and 4 player FFA. Greatly recommended for battle rifle or a sniper as your starter weapon. In this map there are 2 hallways and 2 bases. Each base is recommended for 2 people. In the hallways there are 4 double walls and 2 sets of 2 fence walls. With those walls, you can trick your enemy by switching directions and do a sneak attack. In the middle there is a floor made out of walls that turned out pretty good. The middle is good if you want to jump straight into combat. It has a mauler under that box and 4 battle rifles on 4 of the dumpsters. Grab those weapons for pure ownage. Thanks for reading, if there are any problems tell me, enjoy! Dowload Octasis Here
This map looks like it would play with a sticky or sniper gametypes. I dont think it would do well with regular slayer but who knows it might. I would love to play with snipers on this map though also this map is very well forged exscpecially with aesthetics good job
I gotta say this looks pretty good. I agree with eguitar on the whole slayer thing, mabie just a tad more fun with snipers or stickies who knows. It looks really clean too, kinda reminds me of Desolation from the last H2 map pack; I loved that map for swat, omg >.< Good job.
very well interlocked. this seems like a very basic map. i think it would be realy fun for king of the hill. it would be a mosh pit in the middle. very well done. ill give it a 4.5/5 cause it was good but i wasnt amazed. keep on forgin
This looks great for stuff like 2v2 or something like that, but one issue I would deal with is the fact that there is practically zero cover along the sidelines, and there would most likely be a lot of spawn camping. This is an issue with a lot of arena maps.
Thanks for all the good comments guys, and by the way did you all download my map because it says 0 DL's. Please download, rate on the map on b.net and the poll on this thread please, thanks!
comment hey i checked out the map and it looks really good it is pretty smooth 2 brs would be fun on the map but i will use it for snips especially just keep forgeing
reply i am glad u took others comments into consideration .An maybe if u wouldnt mind can u let me make some changes on your map and i will show you when and if i get done
Looks very 2 sided. l love these kind of maps. Although you put good interlocking into it, it still LOOKS bad, but not badly constructed. l will have to wait and see if l am right later.
Looks like you could get spawned trapped, I wouldn't play SWAT on this LOL. That would really be annoying.