Trippy Forged and Designed by Ififrito92 {EDIT: PLAY WITH LAZERS AND SNIPERS ALSO!} Description Trippy is a small completley enclosed maze-like map that is sure to have you tripped out. Almost everything on the map is cleanly geo-merged which provides for fast smooth gameplay. There are two way nodes at the end of each corridor that are set to same channel, making them random each time. This allows for quick get aways in tight situations.... Game Rules Gameplay is extremely hectic especially when there are 10+ people in the party. The game is basically a free for all shotgun (or lazer) fight to the death. Each person spawns with a shotgun and will have to be quick with the trigger if they want to survive. Making quick glances around corners and using the nodes wisely will be key to winning the game. To make it even more hectic, there is no radar.....thats right, NO RADAR! Here's the screenshots.... Map DL link: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Game Variant DL link: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND ENJOY! =]
Although I love the idea, the long sight lines give you away pretty easily when trying to run away. 3/5, and FIRST. EDIT: and the shotgun bad for a map with a bit of distance. chasing people down could get a little repetitive.
haha wow this is a very original idea I cant believe someone would think of this lol, but this map is very well done. I like the idea and this could be very fun for a last man standing match with bunch of people. nniiccee jjoobb
lol this one looks cool and it remineds me of that one map from halo 1. looks nice and craive, i likethe idea and ill download.
ok, dont judge it till you try it...the shotguns work out fine because there are random nodes at the end of each hall to prevent long chasing sequences, besides, you will die often so it doesnt really matter....this map is a TON of fun with 8+ people so just try it out and lemme know your opinion then...=]
looks cool. i like maps like this. they get really confusing. it would be better with swords. OR SPLASERS!!!! lolol. anyway. very cool idea.
Ooooh very creative of you. I love the idea and it looks really fun. I will download. But did you give the last man standing a bonus if your gametype has rounds in it? Or you just put normal slayer up to like 25 or something? Great job, you have really nice maps and I can't wait for the next one. Oh and nice merging.
This map looks awesome. You have really clean geomerging and interlocking, and the map reminds me of Pacman, with a shotgun. I would suggest that you include more gametypes like slayer shotguns to 50, extermination swords, frag fest (something with regenerating grenades), and and shotty lazers. It would also be cool if you set this up for territories, oddball, KotH, and Juggernaut (regular people have swords, Juggernaut has shotgun and takes two or three hits to die) This map has so many possibilities, it's endless!
Hey thats a really cool map. I have to say that the clean Geo-Merging is probably a nice idea, but i really think that you could do more with the varient. It kind of looks like a Scooby-Doo like maze too. Not that it needs to be a scooby-doo game, but maybe if you elaborated with it a little bit. Not bad 4/5.
well, you cant go wrong with clean geomerging. it seems to me like a random idea in a random map with epic win-sauce all over it.
This map looks like a lot of fun. Did you get the insperation from the map with a lot of teleporters in halo 2, what was it called, Rat Race? Anyway, anybody that is good with BRs would own from the long sights and the lack of cover. The shotgun is good because you can hide around corners and kill people when they walk by, but is bad because they can get shot from across the map. The use of a shotgun in this map isn't to overpowering like in most maps. Good job. The layout is simple yet fun. You've got my download.
oh wow its a simple maze but it has been geomerged making it even better. its funny at first i thought it was a noob posting a map but then you said its all in line and geomerged so good job. it looks cool but to be honest you could have done WAAAYYY more to it and make it even better by making some rooms or something being connected to the main maze?
hey, thats a good idea to play splasers on this map, i will give it a try... MESSAGE TO EVERYONE: FEEL FREE TO EXPERIMENT WITH DIFFERENT SLAYER GAMETYPES AND LET ME KNOW WHICH ONES WORK THE BEST!!!! =]
You should design an infection gametype on this that plays like pacman. One custom power up on each side that doesn't spawn. It could give like 150 speed boost and max strength for like twenty seconds. Could be great fun.
Looks interesting; I'm not going to say it's original, cos it's not, but it definitely looks fun! Are the traits normal?
MESSAGE TO EVERYONE: i recently tested this map with splasers and it is so much FUN! give it a try and you will know what i mean.... i will add this in the description! =]
i can see this map being a very nice fast pace infection game. you should make a gametype for that map.
i played 6 person free for all snipers on this and it was awesome. I preferred it to the lasers actually