Hey guys ive clawed my way through halo 3 barely understanding wtf my fellow players are saying. what i want to do here is compose a dictionary if you will of the slur nonsensical ramblings and for want of a better word "l337" speak people use. i ll add some of the beginner stuff but i expect the compository wil lget more complex and useful the more people post so i will edit this towards the end heres the basics I pwned/I owned him-Although ancient in use in the many online games it has a variety of meanings. The long and the short of it means victory over ones opponent to a large degree.Usually uttered by fools who have achieved a lucky or easy kill. "l337"-A bastardized term for elite meaning specialised,re worded using letters. I can haz?-Can i have,re worded into idiot speech,usually uttered by those begging for recon armo from bungie lol/rofl/lmao/roflmao-all of these "words" mean the same thing to a degree.lol laughing out loud rofl roling on the floor laughing or lamo laughing my ass off. Many diiferent version are currently in use such as the popular roflcopter...referancing a weird stupid helicopter thing in the online game world of warcraft. to be continued when others add more things and when i remember more things Add anything you like or have heard idiots saying! ;D
its not just in halo therefor eits more appropriate for gamingdiscussion.just about every online game with any form of communication via mics or text has these idiots.
the easiest words to figure out are y(why) r(are) and u/r (you/re). this is because they sound like the word. c?(see)
yeah...tbh i realised this was a bi daft the day after i typed this up.It seemed like a good idea art the time