
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Sotha Sil156, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Half-Cab is no longer in my fileshare. Half-Cab v2 is posted. See the post here.


    Fusing two very distinct styles of gameplay, Half-Cab is a minigame that is great fun for everyone!

    Each team has very different goals:
    The defenders must drive their VIP to the destinations while dodging the snipers. Only the driver of the VIP can be killed. The rest of the delivery men must keep the snipers from realizing where the real driver is and must recover the VIP when the driver is killed.
    The Attackers must, from their base, kill the VIP's driver to keep the VIP from reaching his destinations.

    Morphine has given a useful explanation of the game:

    The Gametype
    Even Teams - 8+ players recommended
    4 Rounds
    Round time limit: 3 minutes
    Score to win: 20
    Goal Arrival Points 1, everything else 0
    respawn time: 5 seconds


    - invulnerable
    - immune to headshots
    - damage modifier 0%
    - speed 25%
    - vehicle use: passenger only
    - good camo
    - waypoint visible to allies

    VIP Proximity:

    - 10 meters
    - damage resistance 100%
    - not immune to headshots
    - everything else unchanged

    VIP Team :

    - invulnerable
    - immune to headshots
    - damage modifier: 0%
    - primary weapon magnum
    - speed 200%
    - vehicle use: full use

    - damage modifier: 100%
    - primary weapon sniper rifle
    - infinite ammo enabled

    The Map


    An overview of the map.


    The sniper base. The gap is large enough to shoot through easily, but to small to crouch-walk through.


    The sniper team.


    The VIP team's spawn and the great wall that divides Avalanche in two.


    The VIP team is ready to go. V-formation!


    The VIP is completely invisible to the eyes of a sniper.


    An effective way for VIP team to create confusion: scatter.


    They've got the wrong guy.


    The VIP acts as a great meat-shield. When shot though, he gives gives away who the driver is.


    The driver has been found and shot.


    The snipers doing a good job holding the VIP team down by killing the drivers as soon as they get near the VIP.


    The VIP has been successfully recovered.


    The Wheelie Mongoose.

    Special thanks to Timeless161 for your great suggestions and everyone else for helping me test.


    Map: Half-Cab v2

    Gametype: Taxi Me


    - 12-08-2008 - Removed the extraneous starting point in the VIP spawn.

    - 12-09-2008 - v2 - Bubble shields added and new VIP spawn set up.
    - 12-11-2008 - v2 - created a version of the sniper base that is a double box.
    - 12-14-2008 - v2 - Power ups double-box height above bubble shields as their designators.
    - 12-26-2008 - v2 - Thread discussing the sniper base and various aspects of v2.
    - 12-27-2008 - v2 - Rebuilt wall out of geomerged bridges.
    - 12-28-2008 - v2 - Added mancannons to sniper structure. V2 will not include geomerged boxes.
    - 12-29-2008 - v2 - Started preparations for posting v2 (Pictures).
    - 12-30-2008 - v2 - Cleaned mancannons and power ups. Started brute shot testing.
    - 01-04-2009 - v2 - Started fuel rod gun and sentinel beam testing.
    - 01-09-2009 - v2 - Started missel pod testing.
    - 01-25-2009 - v2 - Half-Cab v2 posted. See here.

    #1 Sotha Sil156, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2009
  2. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    uhhh... trying to snipe a bunch of people off mongooses. not that fun sounding....
    i loke the idea of the confusion/distraction by using many mongooses.
    but unless u have insane sniper skillzorz i wouldnt really wanna play. maybe with BR's and the transporters have low shields.

    EDIT: and once the transporters have been killed, the mongooses are left out there.
    people walking on foot v.s. snipers....
  3. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    You posted your map, I really enjoyed playing it with you and timeless. This is like 100 times better then rocket race, Half-Cab is a mini-game to download for sure! It was a really great concept, glad to of played it.


    - Maybe you should add a video btw, because the guy above me seems very clueless and others may be too.
  4. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    First of all, you are only trying to snipe one person, the VIP's driver. It isn't that hard, and in all the times I tested it, no one, not even people bad at sniping, had a problem with it.

    Second, Once the driver has been killed and no mongooses are left at the spawn, the VIP's team has 200% speed to reach a mongoose and get to the VIP quickly and are invulnerable until they reach the VIP.

    I would suggest you read the entire post (if you didn't) and hopefully play a game or two before posting reviews and ratings that are imprecise, unreliable, and untrue.
    #4 Sotha Sil156, Dec 8, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2008
  5. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    Seems pretty cool. But what happens if a mongoose goes through the man-cannon in front of the snipers? Couldn't they just camp there? Besides that, I'll give it a 3.5/5.
  6. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I don't understand what you mean by that.

    The goal of the snipers is to keep the VIP from reaching the destination points. They don't gain points from any of their kills. All of the destinations were placed strategically within their view, but close enough to cover for the VIP team to have a chance to escape. So camping beneath the sniper box is worthless for both teams.

    I would suggest you read the entire post and play a game or two before posting reviews and ratings that are imprecise, unreliable, and untrue that will make others have imprecise, malignant perceptions of the map.
  7. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    I've replied to your message. Hopefully that clears it up.

    EDIT: Okay, I've read the message, and I've explained my views. M'kay?
  8. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    this sounds pretty fun. a good idea, and no honor rules. +1 for you, my friend. i'll hafta find some time to play this with some friends this week. or just send me an invite if you are playing it with friends. I'd love to try it out with ya. GT: R00STERillusion (zeroes in r00ster)
  9. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    This is an amazing mini-game. Personally I think this is one of the most original game concepts I've seen on avalanche for sometime. Unfortunately, it does take a fairly in depth understanding of mini games to fully realize the finer nuances of this game just from reading the description. That is why I suggest to anyone who enjoys a refreshing take on minigame design to give it a shot.

    Apart from testing this game(I'm in several of the photos), I have played it with a few parties now, all of which have given it positive reviews. The only thing that I could see as a problem, but honestly does not really effect the game play, is the fact that the snipers don't have the best view from the tower, it's almost better to have toggle crouch enabled. Which isn't a bad thing but can get a little annoying switching the settings between games.
  10. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Thank you Morphine for reviewing it.

    I realized that it would be a little annoying for the snipers to have to crouch most of the time, but I kept them in the base rather than glitched inside of a box for two reasons:
    First, the base looks much better than a box would.
    Second, having the base makes it more fair for the VIP team. If the snipers were in a box, and the driver was killed directly below them, it would be almost impossible for them to recover their VIP, as the snipers would get headshots every time they hit a driver and would be really close to the VIP team, requiring less skill to hold the VIP team down.
  11. porkstein

    porkstein Ancient
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    Beautiful, original, and seemingly flawless concept. Easy to understand too; not quite sure where these misinformed comments are arising from.

    Design: 4.5/5
    Gameplay: TBA
  12. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    scince your a junoir member i dont expect you'd know this but there has been a game called cave freakes and it was bacically the same deal just the cave freaks wer invisable and they ran around.
    anyway it kinda looks ad if purple monster's and cave freaks had a baby with a coperation, witch is not really a bad thing, i think that i might have to try it out once i get my xbox back from my friend, who gave me 50$ to lend him my xbox untill he gets his back from repairs.
  13. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    if it works as well as the map itself it could be very epic. Great idea 4.5/5
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Sounds complicated. Why doesn't the VIP just hide somewhere if he has good camo? Why doesn't he just be one of the drivers of the mongoose, but look no different to the other drivers? That way, the rest are better decoys. And when you find the VIP, how do you kill him?
  15. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    The VIP could just hide somewhere but then you would lose the game, the only way you score points in this game is by having your VIP driven to the different capture points.

    The rest are decoys, but the VIP can not drive himself. You don't kill the VIP, only his driver.

    One of the best things about this game is the elaborate decoy systems you can setup. Running different patterns, switching VIP drivers when in cover, and having multiple people drive through a capture point at once is a great way to throw off the defenders.
  16. zackj191

    zackj191 Ancient
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    I sooo remember testing this like 3 days ago! We played this after tremor blast. This game is pretty sweet if I do say so! I remember that my team had no idea what to do but still came out victorious, haha. I actually seved this map(which is rare because I almost always have 95+ maps/gametypes) but I made room.

    9/10 for me because I didn't like holding crouch in the sniper box and for some reason the headshots don't ever seem to kill...
  17. Teaco27

    Teaco27 Ancient
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    OK, so if the VIP has good camo, and is invulnerable, what stops him from just walking to each destination? other than that it looks good.
  18. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    The VIP has extremely slow walking speeds. While it is possible for him to slowly walk between different capture points, the most points you could score this way is about 2 per round compared to the 9 Ive seen some teams get that actually play the game correctly.

    Another idea I had for an improvement for this game is what if you only had the VIP able to pick up equipment then put a bubble shields on the map near the attackers spawn, making VIP pick up in the open a lot easier.
  19. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    He can't walk to the destinations because he moves at 25% speed. He probably wouldn't even reach the first destination by the time the round ends.The traits explain it all.

    Ha! We answered that at the exact same time.
    #19 Sotha Sil156, Dec 8, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2008
  20. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    I can understand your concern for originality, but by this time, over a year after Halo was released, it is difficult to create minigames that are like nothing else ever conceived. Half-Cab is similar to the two you mentioned in that it fuses two different styles of gameplay together, but the experience it creates is unlike anything else.

    I was here for Cave Freaks and Purple Monsters, and trust me, Half-Cab isn't anything like either of them.

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