Okay, I'm almost certain that this virus is similar to those ones you get on MSN: They send you a link and when you open the link, you get the virus, and the same link gets sent to everyone on your friends list. Okay, so here's what happened: I get a message from my friend saying that a website is giving away free MS points. The message also said the website URL and that "this is safe and I confirm this". It also said that the MS points were available due to a fault in the new XBL dashboard. So, being a gullible twat, I go to the website. Now everyone on my friends list is sending me messages asking about the free points. Apparently, I sent them a message saying the same thing to them. Then, I got a message from one of my friends saying exactly the same as the first message I got that started the whole thing off. I believe that this is a virus on Xbox LIVE that is carried by people's accounts. Whatever you do, NEVER go onto ANY of these sites. All sites that apparently give free Microsoft Points are fake. I have no idea how the virus will affect mine or any others' accounts. I may lose my points, I may lose my account, I don't know.
I think what you're talking about is phishing. There is a very easy way to avoid this. DON'T GIVE OUT YOUR ACCOUNT DETAILS. What happens is you lose your account and anything your account stores. I.E, Credit Card number. EDIT: I'm not quite sure about the message thing but it doesn't matter as it won't affect you unless you give out account info.
hmmm this reminds me of those youtube videos "free micro points generator" and the link when you click on it gives you a virus
So you typed up the URL on your computer and it somehow has affected your XBL account? Or did you open the website via your xbox? Is that even possible? More specifications please but thanks anyway for finding this.
It is quite possible. I mean think about it. If you go on Xbox.com and buy microsoft point, it goes straight to your Xbox and if you buy a game on Xbox.com, the games obviously go straight to your Xbox 360.
I know that but I thought, from the way that he worded it, that he accessed a site from his Xbox 360 console alone. That isn't possible, is it?
Err... yeah, about that. The xbox.com site came up and asked for my windiws live ID, so... yeah... I din't use my credit card on my account, though. EDIT: Sorry, double post
Yeah, Phising. There's a sticky on Xbox.com about this. The hackers do something to make it seem as if you are on Xbox.com. And if you didn't use your credit card on that account, you're more or less safe.
You're safe from losing any money. And they can use your account any way they see fit. You could change your password to keep 'em out, though.
Making a phishing page of whatever is easy as ****. Right click to copy and paste the source and setup a little txt file on the same server. I have a myspace/AIM/Facebook/Google phish page and it's not at all hard to make new ones. He put in his WindowsID, not his CC.
is it the same for the people tha have something like this on the bio also is it the same if it says free games tht reminds m one of my fiends was sending a msg saying that he wanted dik pix and he is now gay when i talked to him he sd some1 was hacing his account do you think it was the same hack
Some of those sites however, are indeed legitimate sites. It's just hard to tell which ones are real/fake