
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by ZANDER1994, Dec 8, 2008.

  1. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Created by ZANDER1994
    and Given to fly 93 (aka PJfan83)

    Elegy is a small map made specifically for 2v2 or 2-5 player FFA slayer/oddball. The map's main feature is that it is totally enclosed, and includes a roof. About half of the map's floor is elevated, made out of walls and boxes. In almost every corner of the map, you will find another ledge, pathway, or hiding spot to use to your advantage. I've personally found that this makes Elegy great for games such as tag, parasites, shark and minnows or hide n' seek with smaller parties. I've made a hide n' seek gametype for you guys below, but because the other gametypes use honor rules (and take up slots on my FS), I will not be posting them or those versions of the map.

    Hide n' Seek
    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
    Self Explanatory. You hide, the zombie looks for you. You have camo and a plasma pistol, he has invulnerability and a shotgun.
    Kill a human=+1
    Kill the juggernaut=-10
    Last man standing= +10

    Now for the pics.

    Note the roof. The main feature of the map. Took FOREVER!

    Inspired by some James Bond map. Snowblind or something like that.

    Great place to catch people off guard.

    Me owning.

    Strategic cover. And an epitaph like walkway.
    There is a back hallway here's the intersection.
    And here's the hallway. You can drop down through the hole in pic three to get down here. Just like lockout's green room.
    Inspired by Ivory Tower's stairway.

    Thanks to all that helped me test it and thanks for checking out my map. I was going to post a video, but unfortunately, the guy who was going to make it got the red ring of death. Oh well. Here's the download link.

    Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

  2. megathumbs

    megathumbs Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this is really good. i love it when people make enclosed maps, it makes the map feel more original. the aesthetics are also good and it looks appealing.
  3. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I doubt I will EVER do it again though. Enclosed maps are the hardest to make. I mean it's amazing just how many cracks, mass interlocking, and object conservation have to be watched.
  4. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Very nice enclosed map. I'm interested in maps that give you a different feeling, an atmosphere that says "I'm not even in Foundry". You did a good job with that. The halls all seem to be quite unique and there's like different paths leading everywhere. I like how you have a mixture of different map inspirations. Good job and I'm ever so proud of you :)
  5. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    This looks really cool, I love all the elements you added (were inspired by) on here, really brings out the best int he gameplay. I'll check it out and get back to you.

    QUINN HAS A GUN Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have no idea why you would call it Elegy, but I don't care!
    This map is gorgeous! The merging is very well done. I like it alot... and it is downloaded.
  7. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, the name was actually pretty well thought out. The hole in pic three reminded me of the hole in Jeepers Creepers. You know, the one the creature stuffed it's victims down. From there I wrote the description for the map. Below.

    "This building was once used by a cannibalistic serial killer to store bodies. Creepy eh?"

    Then I went to some website to find synonyms of mourning and found this on wikipedia.

    The term "elegy" was originally used for a type of poetic meter (Elegiac metre), but is also used for a poem of mourning, from the Greek elegeia (derived from elegos), a reflection on the death of someone or on a sorrow generally - which is a form of lyric poetry. An elegy can also reflect on something which seems strange or mysterious to the author. In addition, an elegy (sometimes spelled elegíe) may be a type of musical work, usually in a sad and somber attitude. It is not to be confused with a eulogy.
  8. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    Map looks great. Of course already knew that. Hey once again sorrow about the video. I'll make it up...whenever my xbox gets back.
  9. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
    Senior Member

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    Very nice Zander, I believe I played on this with you and Goatnuts maybe a month ago glad to see it posted...well now onto what I like and don't like.

    Likes: What I really liked about the map was the it was a small map yet it made it feel bigger because of all the ways you to could travel. This map only had maybe one bad spawn spot but I assume you have fixed that over the time. I also liked how you had the line of sight cut off at certain points so you couldn't just get spawn naded or shot.

    Dislikes: I think the only thing I didn't like was the fact that it was a little frustrating moving around the map considering the main spot I kept wanting to go was blocked off by some window panels, but they were for the better as they made the map feel bigger.
  10. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
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    Ha, electronic legos...

    Anyways, map looks great but I just now downloaded it and can't really tell you much about it. When ever you put out a map it seems to always have good gameplay, hopefully this one will too.
  11. mikeblair333

    mikeblair333 Ancient
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    This map is really cool. You've reminded me of Nightfire, it was the first game I actually enjoyed. I would play it for hours playing arena with my brother and a bunch of bots. Gaming has come so far since then. Well, aside from my trip down memory lane, this map is very well done and looks like it could offer some good CQB play. I'll DL and check it out, but from what I see, 9/10
  12. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Does this map work for TS/Slayer?
  13. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    All slayer. TS/Slayer? What is that? Team slayer? It's mostly set up for doubles if your doing teams though.
  14. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    From what I can tell from the pics, which isn't a whole lot, the layout seems fairly solid. Haven't seen a good fully enclosed map in quite some time. I'll have to give this one a closer look. Good work
  15. Krazy Kumquat

    Krazy Kumquat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I'm back wit my review...

    Layout - 8/10
    A nice layout, but it can be confusing the first time you play the map. Someone places need to have easier access, for example the fence wall in front of the stairs is completely unnecessary.

    Aesthetics - 7/10
    A few aesthetic touches here and there, though not enough to make me be in awe over it.

    Weapons - 7/10
    The so called power weapons are far from useful. The needler is almost completely useless, and flamethrower is only good where it spawns. The bruteshot is the only weapon left over, and while it may be good, it's not good enough to be a power weapon. I think that, if you have any left, you should consider putting new weapons on this map.

    Equipment - 6/10
    The equipment on this map didn't make gameplay any better, in fact they hardly helped at all. Consider changing around the equipment on the map.

    Gameplay - 6/10
    The spawns on this map are horrendous. For some reason we all spawn at the same start. I don't if you made it like that on purpose but it makes starts terrible. Once you get over the spawns the weapon set make matches harder to play. Battle Rifles on such a small map almost don't work at all. I played FFA Slayer and it played pretty well despite the aforementioned problems. Oddball was a different story, thanks to your tunnels the gameplay was terrible. They just ran through the tunnels the whole time, until they scored all the pints and won.

    Overall - 68%
    Maybe make a version two and reinvent the weapon systems and spawns, that way your map will play much better.
  16. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Neither of us are spawn kings lol

    the brute is acually the best weapon because it shoots far, is powerful, and is placed so its not getting over used..
    The flamer is used around every corner of the map and it does work well with each i seemed to think..
    the needler, kinda wasn't used it got kills every once in a while but yeah your right, wwe should prob take it and replace it..

    hey dude that roof took him a years to make! hah YOU dont understand the struggle!
    zander - kudos :]

    where ball spawns is the main are 1
    top level area 2
    this gameplay is good, but your right equiptment should have a bubble or something..
    its quite balanced with 2-4 people

    yay elegy hah !
  17. Rated Dirty

    Rated Dirty Ancient
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    From the looks of it: 4/5

    Very nice map from the looks. You put time and effort into making this. Everything looks clean and ready to play. The layout of this map is unique and looks perfect for FFA and 2v2.

    The bad thing is that it looks sort of confusing. I will have to download and see if that is the problem. I will be back with a real rating once I have tried it.
    #17 Rated Dirty, Dec 10, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2008
  18. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I smell a v2? Maybe this weekend we can work on it. You up to it?
  19. ODST Maps

    ODST Maps Ancient

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    This map is very clean and interlocked i will be downloading this without a doubt and i would like to congratulate you for making a nice enclosed map.
  20. xi PheoniX ix

    xi PheoniX ix Ancient
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    I like the flow of the map, there are alot of nice places for close encounters which make for really fun gameplay. I also like the whole enclosed thing, as it makes the atmosphere of the map a whole lot more enjoyable. Nice job, you got a dl here.
    #20 xi PheoniX ix, Dec 12, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2008

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