As some of you know, the game will automatically replace certain goal objects even if they get deleted. It's a pain when you build a map only to realize that the goals will be buried underneath mountains of tediously placed objects. This version of Foundry Canvas has all of the default goals moved into the red team's locker room, so you won't have to worry about them appearing under your stuff. Also, this version has the window panels of the locker rooms and the two doors in the back hallway left in. They are easy to delete if you don't want them, but incredibly difficult to put back in if you do want them. Link: Foundry Canvasish Note: I already posted this in the Canvas Maps Sticky, but I had to edit into my post to avoid a double post. I wasn't sure if anyone would see it there, and I really think this version could be a huge help to us Forgers. If any of the moderators feel this thread is unnecessary, and decide to lock it or delete it, I won't cry... much.
Re: Foundry Canvas with goals in a corner Thats a great idea! Thank you so much for making this map!!
Re: Foundry Canvas with goals in a corner thank you!!! i have been meaning to do this but im too lazy! now if u could do every other map (hint hint)
Re: Foundry Canvas with goals in a corner I'm actually surprised that no one has done this sooner. I replaced my Canvas version with this one, and it's already saving me time.
Re: Foundry Canvas with goals in a corner I was under the impression that the featured Canvas maps had EVERYTHING removed ..... if this is the case then darn't .....
Re: Foundry Canvas with goals in a corner Canvas maps do have everything removed. But the goals are auto replaced, so it is buried, and your game is messed up.
Re: Foundry Canvas with goals in a corner He didn't have much to add but wanted to reinforce the idea.
Re: Foundry Canvas with goals in a corner Thanks, I had a lot of problems with this. Will replace now. -Donuts
Re: Foundry Canvas with goals in a corner The first day the maps came out, AZN, Asper, and I did this to all our canvas's. The idea backfired. It will say item max reached.
Re: Foundry Canvas with goals in a corner It was like cuz we put all the goals and there was so many of them and starting points and all that and on rats nest it barely even let me place 5 crates... maybe he did a different way but the way azn did it it was screwed up so ya