When you get out of the ark at the part with the scrab tank,go to the metal wall and buterfly to the top.look down on the side your faceing.you will see a phantom at the bottom of the cliff.
Screenshot or it didn't happen. Still, what metal wall? Do you remember the butterfly with the Sword in Halo 2? It's similar to that. Someone stands on someone's head and the alternate jumping.
the butterfly method is very little known in the H3 community, and can only be done at perfect 90 degree angles between walls. It can be used to break a ton of maps
You have to describe this with more detail. Plus add some pics: and a vid if possable. Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk0bIbxFIao
The video worked for me, and this is pretty cool. It kinda looks like bungie left the code for some items just laying around. Doubt it though
Please have a pic. That would be cool if that was true. So it was just a random phantom sitting on the bottom of the ark?