Symmetrical Created by Ark of Covenant [br] Supported Gametypes: All Types! [br] Map Description This map is basically a completely symmetrical fight zone. There are two main bases and one base off to the side, along with a mini bunker-base in the center. On this map, I used human weapons for the most part. I do think that this map is suitable for smaller and larger parties. Just be warned, though, that if you bring a large party in, you may become clausterphobic! [br] _________________________________________________ [br] A basic overview of the map. The "Defender's" base is directly under the camera; the "Attacker's" base is on the far end of the map. Spread throughout the map are double boxes acting as a temporary base or hiding spot. [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] This is the "Defender's" base. As you can see, there is a Warthog and a Mongoose just waiting to be driven. In the base-type area on the wall, there are a few basic rifles that are locked and loaded. [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] This is the Ghost spawn. If you haven't already figured it out, there is another Ghost spawn exactly like this on the other side. The Ghost is protected by two regular barriers, one on each side of it. [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] This is the mini bunker-base that I mentioned earler. Notice that in the center, a Flamethrower is ready to torch anyone who walks past it. [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] And now for the "Attacker's" base. As you can tell, this base also has vehicles (2 Warthogs and 2 Mongeese). Also, right next to the Mongeese are two Sniper Rifles proped up against the wall. [img width=800 height=600][/img] [br] _________________________________________________ [br] I really don't think that the pictures give the map the credit it diserves. The only way to really see what it is like is to download it and check it out for yourself. Feel free to leave any comments you have on this map, and anything I can do to make it better. Any comment that I get back will be taken into consideration. [br] Download Symmetrical Here! [br]
This Map isn't to shabby, But there are a few things I would change. One thing I was wondering is can your map support all these vehicles driving at once. That means having space to move and not die the secound you get in. Then the secound thing is that you did not mention All the weapons, equipment, and game types on the map. And If all the vehicles I see are the only ones. Other than that this isn't bad
I havn't played this map yet, but there is one thing that I would change. In one of the pic you have two floating bridges that meet eachother in the air. They are both face up so that the ramps on teh bridges are still there. If you flip the bridges around so that they are flat, you will lose all the bumps that are caused by them. Just a tip.
Well then, I will answer those now. On the map, you have: 8 Battle Rifles 4 Assault Rifles 2 Sniper Rifles 2 Spartan Lasers 1 Flamethrower 2 Brute Shots 4 SMG's 8 Plasma Grenades 4 Fragmentation Grenades 2 Bubble Shields For vehicles, you have: 4 Warthog (Regular) 4 Mongeese 2 Ghosts That should clear what the map's contents are. With the flipping the bridge over, I really don't like how the bridges look that way. I think it almost takes away some of the design to it if it is flipped over. For driving all of the vehicles at once, I am not sure. I didn't origianlly think it would be a problem, but if you have a party of 16, I wouldn't want to be a vehicle hog. If you have a smaller party, though, it will be fine. I am testing the map right now with a few friends on LIVE and they are having no problems at all with driving them (Only a party of 4).
make that "bunker" base a little bit bigger, because it looks more like a "shack" rather than a bunker. I'm not a big fan of vehicles on Foundry, mainly because ther isn't a lot of room when you have a large party. The bases look more like "corners", mainly because there isn'y a whole lot of cover. other than that the map is alright, it would do good with a smaller party and not a large one. =]
Hmm... Make it a bit bigger.... Not sure how I could do that with the limited space under the bridge, but I will see what I can do. I have a few friends and my brother who could help me make the adjustments. But do you suppose the vehicles are ok if you have a smaller party versus a larger one?