hey I'm back and I just made zombie rain v2 and it took me like 6 hours so it might not be perfect but any comments are approved so I hope you'll check it out and tell me what you think. Gametype details: humans have only one life while zombies have infinite and theres 7 min. for the humans have to survive and also the weapons are all there at the start but will only spawn every minute and the flamethrower will only spawn after two and a half so dont just spray and prey other wise you might scream when you turn around and see a zombie in your face.........cause thats what i did. Also, the zombies spawn on top and gets to choose which hole to drop down from(i suggest the middle one cause thats where all the weapons are at the start of the game) while the humans have to survive and watch each others back for 7 min. oh and to make it a bit more scary humans have allies only radar while the zombies have enhanced radar so very often you might hear one of your teammates yelling OH S*** lol cause i heard it alot in the first zombie rain. thats all i can think of at the moment but you guys can feel free to change the game type a lil bit like one thing for example is to make zombies have partial camo to give it that extra boost of fear and so thats it and have fun. Click HERE for the map Click HERE for game type Weapons on map: (the weapons spawn every minute and the flamethrower spawn every two and a half so yah use them well) 4x Battle Rifle 4x Shotgun 4x Sniper Rifle 1x Flamethrower Now here are some pictures of my map: Overview: Human Spawn/Weapons spawn: Zombie Spawn: Dropzone for Zombies: Well I hope you enjoy my map and spread it around lol =)
The map is pretty neat for what appears to be no interlocking, I would seriously interlock though (the zombie spawn area). Also, your wording was a little confusing, but from what I gather, all of the weapons spawn at round start and just have different respawn times. I would change the spawn times so that they spawn at different points in the round; something like Battle Rifle (at start, 60 seconds) sniper (not at start, 90 seconds), shotgun (not at start, 120 seconds), and flame thrower (not at start, 150 seconds). I would also change the amount of ammo in each of them to help balance the game(I don't know if you did that, but that's just me. I don't know any of the zombie traits either. You should also include in your post a description of the gametype: human and zombie traits, round time limit etc. to give us a feel for how the game should flow.
wait, what? What do you even do in this map? There is no kntrucion of what you do or he gameplay... Please add more to your post, other than that this map looks nice and if I had team right now I would test it but I don't ATM. 7/10 because I don't even understand what to do in this map and I haven't played it.
His pictures show that the zombies spawn on top of the room and can enter it by falling through any of nine holes in the roof (they're raining) where they then attempt to kill the humans who have to survive with battle rifles, snipers, shotguns, and a flamethrower. Unfortunately, he has given us no indication of what the gametype is, so we have no idea how balanced the game would be for the zombies or how long the rounds are or how the game flows.
Thats good they can come in from more than one way, prevents more camping. Even more because they can come in from the corners. This is so much better than the first one ty.
Interesting gametype and map, but the zombies might get bored of dying and leave. However, it's a good effort and not all that unfair. I don't think they'll be much chance of an Infection Spree medal on this map, though ^^
oh i forgot to say it is like partialy interlocked you just cant see some of it like the double boxes and the walls i had to use as roofs