I was just browsing the BBC News site and I came upon something that was kind of strange. The is still a large group that believes that the earth is flat. Supposedly, the round earth is a big government conspiracy. Also, these are the same people that believe that the moon landing and the picture from space of the earth is fake. Here the link to the BBC news story. Read it. you may find that some of there ideas make sense. I still refuse to believe them though. BBC NEWS | UK | Magazine | Do they really think the earth is flat?
hmm thats intresting well since i have no XBL i was playing PS2 games and this reminds of that level in Area 51 where it shows the movie scene for the fake landing but seriously people have flown around the world and stuff and there was no end nor anybody falling off
lol, it's all fake. Sure there are members there who believe it but if I'm not mistaken it was created as a joke. So the joke is on the people who believe it and the people who believe they believe it.
It's an interesting theory, but how come no scientists in Antarctica have fallen off the 'edge'? And how do they explain seasons and differences in temperatures? There's always some pricks in the world willing to kick up a fuss about something for the sake of an argument.
It's strange that people still believe the same thing that was proved wrong hundreds of years ago. Maybe there are people who believe it but I agree with Linu, this really is just a huge joke.
Gravity itself is a worldwide conspiracy. An unexplainable force that attaches us to the earth for some unknown reason? I'd sooner believe in magic (or perhaps belief in gravity and belief in magic are one in the same) I hope I haven't opened your eyes too widely
I think the 1969 Moon Landing might be fake. The video is a whole bunch of clips put together, so there can be easy edits. And if there is 0 gravity then the flag shouldn't move after it was stuck into the ground. Watch the *** around 0:19-0:25 seconds. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMINSD7MmT4 It's just an observation, don't hurt me if I'm wrong. lol
Agreed with Camofo, I some what believe it was fake. The earth being flat though, thats stupid in my opinion.
That article reminds me of the evolution vs. creationism debate. "Evolution is a conspiracy purported by scientists who hate god!" "But, sir, many religious people accept evolution as a fact of the natural world and there is an insurmountable mountain of evidence to support." "Those people mock our views because they realize the weakness of their position! Also, those "people" that claim to be flat-earthers religious are not truly religious people."
Dammit you're stupid if you think the Earth's flat. It's been proven already that it's round. These people should get a clue.
How would flat-earthers explain lunar eclipses? How can they explain that it can be daytime in one area of the world and nighttime at another? You can't do that on a flat disk. If anyone believes that the earth is flat, then you just need to GTFO.
The workings of the moon are so complex, so impossible to ever understand, that those in a position of power can literally make up whatever they want and the ignorant masses will swallow it hook line and sinker. The suggestion that one section of earth is light while the other is dark is the perfect scheme. It can never, ever, be refuted since no person can be in two places at once. And the claim is so outlandish that people are inclined to believe it. Hrm, GTFO the earth you say, that would seem to indicate that there is an edge somewhere...