Hello fellow Forge Hub community! My new map is going to be great I already have the main structure in the middle complete! The name of the map will be Ampidos. PICS do you like it with the second floor or Without? This is just the main middle part. The release date will be on Christmas Eve! So you will be able to play on it all Christmas day! -CK Yoflorg
Before anyone else reads this, you should'nt advertise your map. That is looked down upon highly. You will probably even get an infraction for this. To save yourself, you might want to edit your post and put something like -Please have a mod delete this- or something of the like.
Sounds great, but since you have that structure complete, mind giving us a screenshot? I would be much abliged. EDIT: This is allowed in Forge Discussion, don't worry about that guy ^
Fellow Forge Hub community? So, you're a Forge Hub community too?! Cool!!! And this is borderline spam, all we learn from this post is that you'll have a map called Ampidos on Christmas Eve.
Okay listen. This is not spam. He is allowed to advertise his map. If he has no pictures, it's okay however I would strongly recommend a picture or two for a sneak peak or at least briefly describe the map so we know kind of what we're in for. And also don't put in your description "My new map is going to be great" because that may lead people to believe that it's not really that great and your just trying to buy us into some bullcrap (I don't mean to get so offensive). I believe you that this will be a great map but just know it's a little noobish to say My map is going to be great. kthxbi :]
Yeah, a picture, or at least some description of the map. We just need some substance, otherwise it's something you could just put in your status or write a blog about. As of right now, it is spam.
That looks very interesting. How long did it take you to do that because I am indeed impressed. great clean, even interlocking. See I told you I believed you that the map would be good and you weren't lying about the statement "My new map is going to be great" Make sure you don't double post again. kthxbi
I think I like it better when you have the roof, seems like it would add another dimension to gameplay.