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CQB Concept, Claustrophobia, The Cube (lol, funny movie), Warzone, Backdraft, Iraq (lol), its not that hard to think up a cool name. just find a cool word, make it the map's name, and eventually some nerd or geek will find some freaky universal connection between the map's layout and the name, and it will catch on and eventually make sense. thats usually what i do, although none of mah maps are posted anywherez but mah hard drive. lol. good luck findin a good name. =)
Try finding a main focus point on you map and base the name off that. Make sure the name sounds catchy to, so people can easily remember it.
Lmao, picking an element is such a cop-out. But anyway, I find that coming up with your own name is much more satisfying, rather than having someone else choose it for you. Try to think of names as you look around your house, or school even. Maybe browse through a magazine or two, or choose a word and find it's counterparts in a thesaurus. Whatever, I don't know, be creative. J
Find a name or word that comes to mind of the map and then look it up in greek, everything in greek sounds so much better
Anything but comely. lol. Er, think of a word that best describes you're map, then just think of a synonym for it. Or go on and look them up. Example- intense= Profound Make sure it fits the name of you're map though. I actually like the name profound, but not for my current map. Edit **** yes, Greek.
panzer, necrolite, kashew, xeriaphoric, partenia, sambysonic...yeah i don't know i'm writing letters next to letters