Just wondering. "Crimbo tat" means xmas decorations, btw. We're putting ours up today. When did you put yours up, or when are you going to?
This should be under off-topic. This may require people to give one or two answer questions, thus being spam. My family put their decorations up like 2 weeks ago. Quite early actually.
We put ours up thanksgiving weekend. We never do anything Christmasy until after Thanksgiving. We aren't putting our tree up until next weekend though.
Our Xmas tree is up. Its pretty big (17ft) and takes a lot of time to decorate. Its up, we just need to decorate. I beleive we're doing it today. As for the lights, Im not sure
Speaking of outside decorations, the house across from us has lights that go to the beat of the music they're playing. They guy said it only took a couple thousand to set up and do... Too bad all he plays is Christmas music... It gets annoying.
Well we didn't put it up on the house at all, but I do find it awfully easy to see in the dark now. Lots of colors flash.
How did he do that? Ugh, I'd hate that. It'd be awful. Give him your iPod and tell him to put those tunes on instead.
Hell if I know how he did that. All I know is that he bought over 100 boxes of lights, a crap load of electrical wire, a ton of stereo wire and maybe 10-15 speakers. Oh and a switch board. I guess there's directions online on how to hook it up and stuff. Oh, I forgot to mention that it's the crappy music too. It's like the 60's version of jingle bells and other "Christmas Classics". I'd rather have something from the Trans Siberian Orchestra. Their music is much better.