Haha that's pretty funny. It looks like King Kong climbing a building (like the last scene of the movie. Really cool man.
maybe its just my console... but sometimes when i destroy the scarab it sinks into the ground and everything inside it goes flying up to the edge of the halo universe...(or at least the top of the map) including yourself. EDIT:and yes if you're wondering the brute is STILL alive.
Lol, this is pretty funny Although the brute looks like it is King Kong, there is another funny looking thing on this picture. If you look in the right corner you can see a hornet shooting at 5 banshees, who are flying away. I thought this was funny because it is just one hornet and it looks like it is chasing away the banshees. Good picture, 5/5. *300th Post*
lol rawrawr indeed. Now I'm almost convinced it's the console cuz it's broken now. I have to send it back to microsoft so no xbox for a while...fail.
The second after it loads you have to run all the way to the hornet and haul ass onto the scarab on the left. Dont kill anything and just keep going, run to the weak-spot and shoot it with a fuel rod cannon. This should blow up the Scarab and fling everyone on it miles up and to the right. I'm 95% sure thats how he did this.
Wow, how did you do that? Looks like he's climbing up the citadel. I expected a pic of a brute that's been killed by an explosive to give him the illusion of flight. This is much better.
I like how it is scaled so the brute looks huge. The shot seems pretty nice and well made. There isn't anything really special about it though. great job anyway.
um no it was just simply a glitch in the game i think :l... but feel free to try your method see if it works. besides i always use a plasma or a spike gernade just because i dont want to use ammo. sometimes this happens to me when i use a plasma pistol.