Amphibious Threat Trisault on Last Resort Check out the Forge Hub Featured Map posting for Amphibious Threat Download Map: Amphibious Threat Download Gametype: Trisault S Go to Kapura's Triplex to check out the origional. Game Concept by Kapura Description: Amphibious Threat is a map for Kapura's Trisault gametype on Last Resort. The game is a variation of One Bomb, with three bomb plant locations. The bomb actually destroys access to the plant objective, so each one can only be scored on once. Teams get one round each to try to score all three. Also note that Amphib Threat uses a slightly differant version of Trisault than Triplex. The only differance is that the rounds are 6 minutes instead of 10. Although the points are generally in line with each other, they do not have to be attacked in order. Keep in mind that there are no grenades or explosive weapons of any kind in this game. The reason is that the defenders could easily blow up the structures leading to the bomb objectives, making them inaccessable. The idea is that the only thing that can render a point inaccesable is the bomb itself. The attackers start on the beach, the defenders start on the seawall. All subsequnt defender respawns occur in the base. Here is the layout of the attacker area A very important secondary objective for the attackers is to drop the bridge, which will open a shortcut teleporter to the bridge (see the green tip sticking out of the fusion coil?). Vehicles are airdroped from Pelicans (use your imagination) for the attackers. Mongeese at 90 seconds, and a Warthog at 3 minutes. Attackers should watch their game countdown clocks and be ready to occupy the warthog at exactly 3 minutes remaining. There are no weapons that can easily destroy the Warthog, so it is a key asset. If it falls into the hands of the defenders, the attackers are pretty much screwed. All comments on origionality should be directed to Kapura, who invented this game. He made the first version of it on Rat's Nest. This one on Last Resort was forged solely by me. And let me just say, I love Last Resort but damn it's hard to forge on. Anyway, thank you Forge Hub community, and I hope you enjoy it! Download Map: Amphibious Threat Download Gametype: Trisault S
This is a really good map, was playing it with Predicide last night and was very fun. Also I love the diversity of making a map on Last Resort.
I'm glad you got this posted, I saw it in the map testing forum and thought it was really cool. I shall get this on Forge Gallery as soon as possible.
Good job Predicide, I'm glad that someone valued my ideas enough to tell me all the things I did wrong! Just joking. I love the map, and if my wireless internets weren't on the fritz, I would like to see the changes you made since I saw it. But still, sweet.
Great idea making the objectives only accessible once, and smart to take advantage of the fact that the bombs can be used in causing reactions in maps. It gives me ideas... Anyway, one of the plant locations looks like it could be accessed after one use if people use a partner bounce.
it's a good idea, but you can plant the bomb more than once at the first point also looks like you can on the third one too
You can't since the gravity is super low, allowing only jumps to like single crates and the resulting explosion blows away all scenery leading to the point.
It makes it painfully obvious that you didn't download the map. Don't criticize it unless you at least intend to download in the future. What Raw King07 said is true.
It all hinges on the gametype. I'm all for maps that don't require an extra file to download, but that's just not happening here. So yeah, what Raw King and Kapura said. super high, actually... lol I think Last Resort is the most forge-friendly of the origional maps... I'll do anything I can to get out of Foundry for a while. Such a depressing environment. I need trees and flowers and sunshine [/gayness] wow thanks --->Kapura Actually this is way too delicate of a system to stand the rigors of MM. BF would be nice, though --->Kapura Hey that's what the community is here for... lol Well if imitation is the most sincere form of flattery then.... wait I already did the [/gayness]... Just think of it as a good cover song
But you make it look so easy. This map was really fun to play in the early version. I want to play a game on the new version too. Definitely send me an invite next time you get a game together for it.
this game sounds good but looks GREAt! i want to play it so bad! where did you get the idea or did it just come to you?
It's a good idea. It's rather like territories, but in assault style :squirrel_rocking: And I like how you took the time to forge on an old map.
Predicide has addressed this several times: It was not his idea It was mine His map is still really good. Read the thread if you intend to post in it.
lol.... I was just thinking that. You need to hurry up and post Triple Threat so I can direct people to it. Also, I've been meaning to ask you if we could come to a consensus on the gametype so we could both link to it. I would be more than willing to keep it in my file share, I have Bungie Pro. Also, you could save it so the file has your name on it as the author.
Yeah, I'ma get yours, compare it to my recent build of the GT, and I'll talk to you over the weekend. I should be able to get screenshots by then too, which is the only real blocker to me posting the map.
I like this a lot! I have a few ideas for this gametype (I had them before I saw this, but I will give you/ Kapura credit if I get around to making it...). I love how you actually made something on an old map! That must have been hard... I remember those days :shudder:. Lol