
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Bartoge, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    Welcome to my first mini game map. Welcome to my 3rd map floating above Blackout. Welcome to my 3rd map dealing with height, and jumping. Welcome to Multilateral, a map of epic proportions.

    Download Map And Gametype Here

    Since you read the above sentences, you already know that this map is many things. And, on the account of it being a mini game map, I will have to describe the arena, and the gametype.
    The fighting area is basically a square, 4 stories high. Around the perimeter are many platforms. The platform that starts the path though doesn't spawn at th start of the game. Each of the platforms, form different paths, which all lead to the center platform. However the floor of the arena is special. There are 4 bridges making the perimeter, and part of the inner square. When the bridges end though, the crate floor resides, filling up the rest of the square. The crates are 1 half box lower than the bridges, needing a jump to get up from the crates.
    Timing is a key area for this map. I'll tell you what goes on when here.
    - 0 Seconds- Start Of Game

    - 10 Seconds- First platforms spawns, with needlers residing on it

    - 30 Seconds- Custom Power Up Spawns: Which buffs up your player, allowing you to win very easy

    - 90 Seconds- First Man Cannon Spawns: Remember the crate floor, well this man cannon removes 1/8 of that floor

    - 120 Seconds- Second Man Cannon Spawns: 1/4 of the floor is added to the gone pile

    - Whenever- Game Ends

    So as you can see the arena can take some pretty tough changes.

    Gametype: Rebound
    - designed for 2-4 players
    Since this map is for a mini game, it has its own special gametype. Its slayer, but the regular people are very weak, damage wise, but very strong, damage resistance wise. When the custom power up spawns on the "center platform" you have a chance to greatly increase your characters strength, allowing you to kill the regular people much faster.

    Regular Traits: {I only stated things I changed}
    - 1000% Damage Resistance
    - 0% Shield Recharge
    - 25 % Damage
    - Brute Shot as Primary Weapon
    - Infinite Ammo

    Custom Power Up Traits:
    - 2000% Damage Resistance
    - 4x Overshields
    - 200% Shield Recharge
    - 300% Damage
    - Grenade Regeneration
    - Infinite Ammo
    - 150% Faster Speed

    Killing the power up guy is no easy task. But is you lure him into jumping down a hole in the floor you can still win. So, getting the power doesn't ensure you your win, but it will increase your chances.

    *click name to download

    Well, as I have heard my gametype could use some improving. Hopefully this one will fix somethings, and get rid of others. The basic premise is the same but I took some suggestions, threw them in, tweaked it, and tested. Here are the differences:

    - now have gravity hammers as 2nd weapon

    Custom Guy
    - duration reduced to 30 seconds
    - 4x overshield reduced to 1x shield
    - 0% shield recharge
    - weapons damage modifier reduced to 200%
    - player speed reduced to 50%

    These changes made a difference in gameplay as you could really survive longer against the custom guy.

    * Note these pics are from the gametype rebound






    When a Man Canon Spawns the crates wont automatically rise. You'll see a blue glow, meaning dont step on it. Or Else...










    Download Map And Gametype Here

    #1 Bartoge, Dec 6, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2008
  2. Dyepb07

    Dyepb07 Ancient
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    This seems really cool, reminds me of the earlier featured map similar to this (forgot the name). Just by looking at the pics I thought that you could maybe make a game type with 2x oversheilds and rockets to try to blow each other down into the pit.

    just an idea.

    I'll download. btw
  3. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    the whole map is an excellent concept and from the pictures u thought it out well with great interlocking and weapon set ( -.- )


    oh by the way you've got my download
  4. yoflorg

    yoflorg Ancient
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    This is nice but I thought it would be to where if you jump on the boxes they fall :(. Oh well i love the idea it looks like it will have a great gameplay system. Good job you have another DL. Overall 5/5 NICE!!
  5. headlessbarbie

    headlessbarbie Ancient
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    Hobo Heights?
  6. Micr0Snip3

    Micr0Snip3 Ancient
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    Love the idea of OH CRAP FLYING BOXES EVERY WHERE!!! RUN!!! 5/5 DOWNLOADING NOW!!! Great idea with the switch hope this gets featured!!!
  7. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    First off I would like to compliment you on your post, and your innovative map. You explained the map very well, and the timed map events made it easier to interpret. This seems like an extremely fun mini-game. You planned everything out, and executed the objective perfectly. Though I'll try my best to review the map solely off pictures, seeing I'm not in possession of my xbox. I apologize for this.

    Game type
    I can already tell the variant fits the map side by side. Seeing its a jumping map the game type reads that perfectly. Though there is on thing I must comment on. The custom power up seems to be a bit overpowered. It seems as if once you pick it up you've one the game. I know you're kind of going for that, but it seems un-fair giving a player without it a bad chance at winning. Though as I said before, I haven't been given the pleasure to play it so these judgements are all made of pictures, and me imagining a game in my head.

    I have a quick suggestion to maybe balance the custom power up. Since it is basically the main focus of the game, you should give a negative effect to it also. I reccomend you make the holder of the power up's gravity denser. Giving them less of an advantage of manuevering around the map, but they can still kill easy. But you didn't give the players gravity or moving speed, so I can't make that desicion just yet.

    The Mini-Game
    As I said earlier, you executed the subject perfectly. The map and game type seem to go hand and hand with each other. I love you took advantage of the timed map events. The interactive floor makes it seem that game play will flow much easier, and effective. It will make players stick to the game, and wait till the custom power up spawns. Also I can already foreshadow people yelling,screaming, and having fun. I can picture my friends falling off the map just as they're going to kill me, or vice-versa. I think you accomplished this mini-game very well, and I can possibly see a feature on its way.

    So overall great map. I would really enjoy to see more jump maps from you, and hopefully I'll be fortunate enough to play on them.

  8. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Exactly what I was set out to say. The concept is astonishing and the entire game is just original as you can get. I can't say much as this is probably one of the most original mini-games so far. As Playerhata said though, The Custom Power-up may be a bit overpowering. It's definitely tough to get around with the risk of falling through the floor but the custom poer-up may make it an exceptionally easy win. I suggest balancing it out a bit by lowering the damgae resistance a tad, lowering the damage by a spec, and like Playerhata said, maybe add some kind of negative effect. That could twist the match up a bit, leaving the person with the power-up with the thought of "Oh, you're so screwed now.... oh wait, what the? Ahhhh" if you catch my drift.
  9. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    this map is fun for big a party ut the thing is that it isn't forge that well. but that is no reason not to down load it. im playing it now and it is veary fun. i like the set up and the idea but for tonight im going to be forging so ill have to put off showing off this map. mabey if you make the whole map one color then that would give it a lot better look to it.

    5/5 gameplay (this counts)
    3/5 forged (this doesnt)
  10. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    1- Thanks for that review, Playerhater. I'll do something about that power up in V2. In gameplay it worked pretty well, but some tweaking could help.

    2- if your first part was a typo meaning "fun for a big party" i wouldn't play with to many people or else some might spawn on the level. Forging it was a challenge and some thing I couldn't get quite right, hopefully the V2 will look much better. As for the same color boxes, in my experiences the boxes are not the same with each game, small flaw, but nothing I can do, unless Im mistaken
  11. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    can you make the map brighter? also, maybe you could add some timed map events that make it so you spawn higher up after the custom powerup spawns, so you wont have such a disadvantage from height? just a thought. (btw do you only have one life?)
  12. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I love the concept, but I'm not sure how it would work in action. Do people often fall on the crates? Or is it rarer than I think? I agree with playa (lol always with those walls of text) that you should probably create a downfall to picking up the powerup.
  13. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    you have one life

    it depends on the people your playing with, if they like to move around then one false move could kill them. But falling is a part of the game and has let me beat the power up guy a couple of times.
  14. Maestro Monk

    Maestro Monk Ancient
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    Wow this looks like a fun minigame and ill have to give a try. I like the way the crate floor looks, its pretty cool. I like the concept and i will dl and give it a try
  15. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Yes, you are mistaken. Guide to same color boxes. I like the concept of the floor being degradable, but the gametype in my opinion could have been a little better. Seems like Juggernaut with 1 life. How long does the custom power up last? and what's the item's respawn?
  16. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    ok, well now I know so that should help.

    well, I see how you can find it being like juggernaut, but instead of a person being assigned, the person must fight for the right
    the power up lasts 90 seconds, and respawns every 30 seconds
  17. GladiateSmiths

    GladiateSmiths Ancient
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    Beat me to it...

    Anyway, I loved this concept from the minute you explained it to me. Very unique, and as said above, the timed map events work well. The powerup suggestions that have been given will surely make the map even better, but even without, I think this should be quite a fun map to play on.
  18. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    Just played the map with morphine, and the gametype I think should be tweaked. This map is possible for many gametypes, and I think you should add more. The fight for the right stuff wasn't that fun, in a small map like it is. I think king of the hill would be fun, even oddball or juggernaut. Thing is you should try some other gametypes for it, slayer wasn't appealing to me.
  19. Phreakie

    Phreakie Ancient
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    This map will be my first mini game map to review. Ill get back to you soon. This looks like a map truly of "Epic Proportions"
  20. Bartoge

    Bartoge Ancient
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    Thanks for playing, and yeah you should expect to see more gametypes for this map. I see how oddball could work, but the size of the arena limits it from KOTH, Territories, CTF, and Assualt.

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