Did you read what AmercanPsycho said? Did you ask PJFan? I'd assume it can be done by using the original method of geomerging.
The normal/'old' way. I don't like the door method, anyway. You push it down with bridges, double box opens, or teleporters, and save and quit. It's more accurate than doors in general.
Try using the new method laid out here. I'm curious to try it on a Rat's Nest map I've had sitting in my fileshare for a while that makes the map asymmetrical, but I'm busy on other stuff at the moment.
Yes, in fact, I did, I can read. Thanks, forgot about that method. I attempted it, but I'd rather use a much more refined method. I'm not quite sure how it will help, but thanks anyways.
you should try and ask Picceta, hes a master at everything to do with forging, he has been on Bugie favs twice.