ReflectionFinal Description:basically this map has two bases and is sort of a remake in a way how I want foundry to be and play Supports:KOTH,Oddball,Territories,CTF,FFA,Assualt,and Team Slayer Weapons and equipment: 8 BR's/45 sec 4 Carbines/45 sec 1 Shotgun/120 sec/6 bullets 2 Snipers/120 sec/ 4 bullets 2 SMG/30 sec 4 Spikers/30 sec 2 Plasma Pistols/30 sec 2 Plasma Rifles/30 sec 2 Needlers/30 sec 2 Bruteshots/45 sec/1 extra round 1 Rocket/180 sec/2 bullets or rockets 1 Energy Sword/Never 1 Flamethrower/Never 1 Machine Gun Turret/45 sec 1 Frag10 sec 9 Plasma's10 sec 5 Spikers/10 sec 1 Bubble Shield/60 sec 1 Power Drain/60 sec 1 Grav Lift/60 sec Download : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Thanks for looking enjoy
This looks pretty good, you can interpl0x, but i see no merging n33dz moar m3rg1ng! But seriously the map looks good, maybe hide the shotgun weapon holder in a box that you might place on top of the shotgun spawn, and it will make it look so much better. Very good interpl0x, if i dint say that, it is reall good, love the back hallway, love them on maps, dont know why, just makes gameplay kool! 4.5/4.8 cant dl for various reasons, banned from xbox being one. EDIT: First POST!!!!! FTW
Seems like an odd place for a Sniper rifle to be. It wouldnt help with the place where it is. I see a shotgun near by it also. It isnt bad to have 2 power weapons near each other, but there seems to be a lot of power weapons. Your techniques seem a bit choppy also. It makes the map look not very clean and organized.
The interlocking looks good but you have a lot of power weapons and they are all fairly close together. Also I would suggest hiding the weapon holders or deleting them. 4/5
looks like you kept some of foundry, right? anyway, good. i wouldn't suggest doing that because it kinda shows you had nothing more creative to put, so you kept it. the corner wall pillar is pretty cool I cant download though, gotta dlete some crap
looks REALLY good! i really like the interlocked corner walls at the sides of the structures. its also cool that u used a flame thrower. id like to see how thats plays in a teams doubles. it seems like theres a lot of entrances an exits in the structures (which is good). the only things i could reccomend is that u shouldnt use wep holders like "normal" thyre best used to put something on a wall. it also makes the map look less creative. the other thing is to have a good back base. that could make or break a map. it looks like u kept some of foundry in ur back bases. over all, 4.5/5 just make new back bases and itll be 5/5. good job though! EDIT: i also i like how the shotty is hanging, and how thyre fusion coils next to the major power weapons to add risk
ok im am going off looks and i will say this map could of been a lot better in picture 7 you could of completly eliminated the walls by geomerging the box, also this looks very similar to foundry and that isnt always a good thing. srry for all the critisim but here is some comments, the corner walls in the side of the box are original and have never been done before and are origninal, only if they were in a little it would of been nicer. one last thing since you took the pictures in forge i can see a problem. the spawns are really weighted as there are three times as much as the south side as foundry.
reply i see what u mean i guess i will try and fix something up and post a v2 of the map also everyone i already know that there is some thing that were i the original foundry i wanted it like that because its a different kind of remake of foundry
Looks pretty cool. I don't necessarily like how it looks but it looks like it would have great gameplay.
This is pretty sick. You did nice interlocking and I would rather have this than the original foundry. The walls look straight and it looks like you did good weapon placement. Great job, keep forging.
reply hey some people say that it looks to much like foundry i wanted it that way and the spawn i may change in the future
It doesn't look too much like foundry, they must have only looked at those bases with the built in stars only.
WOW thats a long weapons list but why no BR's? That 3rd pic really caught my eye, it was very well-made. I would not download, but you can make a v2 and improve on the following: 1. Block the hallway part 2. Put BR's 3. When you use the double or single boxes, use them such as the bottom side is facing up because it looks nicer. 4. Remove the turrets