Here is a sneak peak for my 2nd and upcoming map, Protoplast. Im planning on having it be a FFA Slayer map, multileveld and involving lots of lifts. If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them UPDATE heres some more pics, it should be realeased soon. i decided to open up the back part and use some of the alley. the a sign base from the the fist pic is currently being redone, and the map is being finished up as you asked, heres some vertical aesthics, silence your right, it did give the map a larger and more interesting feel. in this last pic, its a b sign halfway merged into teh ground of the hallway, its blocked off behind me and a fence wall is geomerged infront, making this a rectangle spawn area UPDATE Name change: BladeWorks New Base New Base Continued Base Change New Side Geometry Theres supposed to be a mongose on the pad...
looking nice, but try to incorporate some vertical double boxes stacked on top of each other to give the map a vertical feel without adding any spots uptop to destroy everyone with [ex: metro]
Looks great so far. As Silence said, vertical boxes would be an awesome addition to the map. The layout and general feel to the map remind me of Phreakie's Sangelios.
Geomerge and interlock that sign shown in the first pic. Rest looks pretty good. I think just add some spice to it.
It does look much nicer than archtype, much cooler, and much more intricate. but if it keeps going the way it is right now, it should be a really really good map. possibly feature worthy. i r like intr1cat3 mapsorz
It looks really nice and all, but the only thing I don't like about it is that it is very bland. I am not sure if you are going to add some more aesthetics later but try to make it more aestheticly please. Aesthetics can improve gameplay in the way how people remember certain shapes and objects to know where they are in a map. (Example: I am at the curved tunnel part, I need to go past the geomerged grav lift to capture the flag) These types of things go through a persons head without them even knowing it. It just helps people remember where they need to go. Just some ideas for the map you should look at the architecture thread that shows a few aesthetic features to help make your map look at little bit more appealing then others. The gameplay looks very decent though. I do not want you to ruin the gameplay by over doing the aesthetics, but I am just saying to add some. Can not wait till it is released.
I know this I am just giving some advice for it. I know you were just barely started on it but if you want a button of some sort just tell me . Tell me what you want and I will try to deliver
K, but do you how to make 10 different types of switches? Ok well goodluck on the map hope it turns out well
Hmm I like how you used your double boxes and singles for a layout on this map but it seems very tight together but I think aesthetics could fix that. Nice Job looks good so far
Looks like it's turning out great from the update pictures. I can see how you used the vertical boxes suggestion and the back hallway was a good addition. It's pretty popular to merge walls back there now if you can pull it off correctly. Looks like you did, great job, can't wait to see the final version. Message me whenever you get updated pictures.
This looks like a great map, you've incorporated many different techniques, and ways to get to high ground, but I could do without sneak peeks. Another spot to put a map and advertise before posting it again in the maps forum?
Looks good. I would like to add you and test it before you finish. ps- I'm not a forge noob. (Look at my sig)
For the update: I like how its going so far, I forgot to mention tough that the two double walls dont look right where they are around the gravity lift. Also try working on cleaning the boxes up in the air. Looks very good
i actualy just removed them and reworked the whole area around it yeah, lol i know who you are. <I> wont be testing it, due to teh fact i have no gold membership, but im arranging someone to host the testing parties. ill make sure you get added to the list no, a place to garner suggestion and critisism, when you have silver and people cant look at the map by joining your game.