Gears of War - What's the Hype About?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jake Pajamas, Dec 6, 2008.

  1. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    So today I played gears of war 2 for the first time. Keep in mind i have never played gears 1 and I know lots of my friends play gears so I thought I'd try it out. I started off doing some basic training and thought "ok this is alright". I did a couple campaign missions and then played some multiplayer. It is fun to some degree, but awfully slow in my my opinion. I really like executions, the third person perspective, and the overall badassness of the game. However, the cover system just seems to make everything go so slow. I also hate having to hold down a to actually run anywhere. And the amount you have to shoot someone to kill them is a little ridiculous. Idk I mean I know this is a popular game but I"m just failing to see how the gameplay is so exciting.
  2. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Shotguns, and close range combat. You also have to be gutsy to kill somebody. Did you ever try any of the power weapons, like the BoomShot, or the Torque Bow? It's fun. You also have to know when to run away from a fight, without being killed. It gets really fast-paced once people start rolling around trying to shoot each other.
  3. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    I agree 100%. I hated Gears 1 but I got Gears 2 anyway. It's a good game, but I never really play it because of the reasons you said, it's just way too slow. I'm used to Halo which is really the only shooter I really play, and compared to that it's like trying to use a BB gun to kill someone.

    Edit: The only thing I like about it is the Torque Bow and the Longshot =P
  4. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Well i was shooting people with the shotgun and i thought it would take like one or two solid shots, but it was like 3-4 so i'm like "wtfz?"
  5. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I think you and me have both played different games as the gameplay is actually fast for me. The cover isn't as much a deal as you say it is. Everytime I play it, the games do drag on but the kill score is usually twice that of Halo's in half the time. It may not be as uberfast as EPICs other game but it is still fast. (Weird fact, Halo is one of the slowest FPS games I've ever played.)

    The reason that it's so hyped is because of the advertising the game has recieved and the fact that it has some of the most memorable commercials that games have seen.
  6. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Hey man that game is gory and full of violence.
    I'm a ****ing man so obviously I need to be playing this.

    This is how the majority of GoW's sales went.
  7. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Anyways, I think the gore really is what makes it amazing. Another thing that makes it good is that its not one of those shooters where you can just run out and shoot. You must strategize your every move because if you fail, you get . I enjoy it only because its more strategic than any shooter I have ever played.
  8. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    And then I come out of no where and snipe you in the face. It's a great game, gameplay and visuals. One of my favorites, matchmaking usually results in even games too.
  9. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    well the whole emphasis on cover makes the game a very tactical game, unlike halo where you run around and jump up and down like a circus chimp. you need to use cover and work with your team to win.
    and i dont really like most of the respawning gametypes, gears isnt a game for spawns. i do enjoy submission though.
    just depends on what kind of gameplay you prefer, i for one much prefer the tactical emphasis in gears.
    and its hyped because its an amazing game that deserves the hype.
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I find FBU's comment rather insulting. For me, this game is NOTHING about being manly. This game can either be as slow or as fast as you want it to be, it all depends on how you play it.

    If you dont understand all the hype, then maybe you just dont like it as much as everyone. Theres tons of people who like things and others who dont. Instead of chalking it up to just being "a gory testosterone filled game", consider it to being just out of your taste. eh?
  11. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    I find the multiplayer somewhat boring and repetitive. Nothing to interesting happens with the occasional headshot. Power weapons are fun though. Thats why I like halo multiplayer, a bunch or random, funny, luck crap happens.

    I really like the campaign though. Freakin amazing to me, but theres always this sort of easy air around it even on insane. The enemies never charge you or anything like in halo (damn suicide grunts). You just have to wait for them to pop out of cover and shoot until they die.
  12. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Honestly I dont really like GoW. I dont' have any major problems, but it just doesn't do anything for me. I can't really understand what all the hype is about either.

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