Map- Locked Up Author- Wolverfrog49 Game type- Territories Locked Up is a fun, yet competetive game that utilizes many Forging techniques, such as interlocking, a bit of geo-merging, a Switch, timed actions, and gametypes. What is the objective in locked up? In the game, there are two teams, the attackers, and the defenders. The attackers objective is to capture the lone territory, which sounds easy enough, but there is a catch. The Defenders have locked up their territory inside a cage, which the attackers can't get into by convetional method. However, there is a way. Inside the defenders fort is a switch, a switch that, when pressed, will open the cage, allowing the attackers to swarm in and capture the territory. Be warned however, as the Defenders have strong weapons and tactical cover they can hide behind to survive the attackers onslaught. Also, another catch, you have but 3 minutes to grab the switch and capture the territory, so speed is of the ensense. 4 rounds, 2 teams, 1 winner. Can you outwit the other team? How long did this take you to make? It took me about 6 hours, and a couple more testing it and editing it with a friend. However, i am quite pleased with the result Can we see some pictures? Yes, of course, there are some located below, yet they hardly do the map itself justice. Locked up defenders fort Locked Up Attackers base Locked Up Cage Locked Up Switch Mechanism Locked Up General Overview So, Enjoy The map, and be sure to leave feedback! Link to Map and gametype : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details - Map Variant : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details - Game Variant
wouldn't those shield doors next to the turrets make u virtually impossible to kill. and ur title makes me think of akon. im locked up they wont let me out
You can still shoot the people on the turrets, stick them, or go around and kill them. the shield doors make it but a little more challenging
ok the map is a great idea just that you didnt forge it as i thought it would be while reading 1. the maps is really open it seems from the pictures 2. it looks escape-able because in the fourth pic i see two bridges and a gap so couldnt they just walk right out of it? 3. not sure if im right on this one but from the pictures it seems like there isnt any geo-merging at all but since i havent downloaded it i cant really make a judgement so i'll give u a 2.5/ for now P.S if any of the problems i said were wrong please correct me of this
... This is an O.K. map it isnt great it isnt bad. You need to delete the shield doors on the Defenders side. Those make it to hard for the Attackers. Second you need to make more to the map, add scenery make it better. Third you REALLY need to make a better Attacker base. Overall 2.5/5
the idea seems good but u need to add more to the map and take the shield doors out on the defenders side if you fix that ill dl Overall 2/5
I'm gonna go ahead and say that I really like this map and idea. I'm going to take a guess that he meant it to be open. He said he tested it, so it obviously played well. If you think about war in the real world, the attackers generally don't have much cover, for example, the battle of Normandy on D-Day. Your second point does have a problem. It wouldn't matter if this map is breakable. When someone breaks a map, it is because they do not want to be killed in order to give them an advantage so that they will win. In this gametype, why would you want to hide? You don't get points for kills. If an attacker hides by breaking the map, their team will nto have enough people to infiltrate the base and win the game. If a defender breaks the map, his team will not be able to hold back the enemy attack, making his team lose. Anyway, I do have 1 suggestion. Keep the basic U-shaped structure for the defenders base, but add a bit more, for example raise the back up where the switch is. You may have to rework the switch, but it would be cool. Let me know if you need help re-working the switch or any part of your map, I'd be glad to help. 5/5 for the idea and 4/5 for the map.
Thanks for the positive feedback, also, if you downloaded it, you'd find that you have a high gravity level, so it's impossible to break out of the map. Also, what exactly do you mean by raise the switch? sorry if it's quite a basic one, but a the momment, it's the only one i know.
ok, ill delete the shield doors, it was actually my friend who suggested them, when he was helping me test it.
Don't double post bud, just edit your post And by raise the switch, I mean give the defender's base another level or two. Make it more complex-ish. So you'd have the U-shaped part, then some ramps or stairs up to another level in some way, making the switch higher off the ground and giving a less direct path. Also, I'll have to try it, but I personally hate games with high gravity. It may work out, but maybe consider changing that.
i was trying to do it, but if it had normal gravity, the attackers could crouch jump over the crate in the cage and win easily without even pressing the switch. Could anyone give me some ideas on how to solve this conundrum?
The forging is okay, but the map mostly focuses on the gametype, amirite? So, it would be wise to TEST TEST TEST. You said you tested it with a friend, but it'd be best to get lots of friends together and play it over and over again. Ask them what would make it more fun, and if it was even fun to begin with. Make sure that one side does not have an advantage, and that ALL spawns are correctly placed. I would suggest adding more cover as well.
That base looks pretty good except for the shield doors. This looks kinda plain. Try blocking off the back parts of Foundry and put a lot more cover in the other side of the map where you did not put the base. Also try to make your base a little bigger and 2 floors would be nice. I hope you do good in v2.