*Gasp* Val! You've done it again! Though, where's the Cortana panel? Never mind, no one liked the *****... Epic map, though. 20/5. That's right. A nonexistent number. That's how good it is. It's so realistic. I only played this level once in Halo: CE cause my game kept crashing, but I remember enough to know this is next to completely accurate. Nice job.
I can tell this was very frusrating to make. there is alot of detail in everything.Ijust played that level in halo1,and I must say the sheer amount of time it must have took to make this makes it DL worthy. increadible map,hope it ges featured. 4.5/5
This map is incredible. But there is one thing missing... Where's the Megg room? You could make an awesome infection gametype that has to do with the whole killing Keyes/Chief's gone rampant thing. There could be invincible zombies with assault rifles, and the non-zombies need to survive for a certain time limit.
maybe you can make the room where the Chief first wakes up. that would get tons of DLs because no one has ever done that before or has never even mentioned it. I am working on it already. ANYWAY, great map! 6/5 Did you forget that part where the bridge drops down with the ladder or did you not have enough pieces?
Now This is a masterpiece. Val I really love the POA ship so much that it will be forever kept on my HardDrive. This map however looks exactly like the bridge. I believe that you are probably the best avalanche ship maker in my opinion. Now im downloading this to have a look around. Keep up the forging.
I did actually consider the ladder. I though i might use several recievers to make it. The problem was, looking around the level in H C E that area goes right under the bridge and has a huge glass panel. id ran out of barriers and i thought the area too difficult to include.
this is the best aesthetic map ive ever seen. you could turn this into a good infection map with a flood story in mind and have everybody stuck on the ship and have them hold off strong but slow zombies, or keep the the zombie traits the same as humans except 75% speed and no weapons and make them orange to make it realistic and more like the flood.
Wow!!! The only thing i can describe this map as is.......NACHOS!!!! This is one of the most acurate recrations of the Pillar EVER!!!!! I give it of course a 5/5! What you need to do is make another remake such as the bridge on halo 2 if you dont remember its where you fight lots of elites and grunts and you have to get to the control panel and make the bridge. If you could do that you could be Chuck Noris!
For being such a small map, you worked wonders upon it. Even if you didn't provide me reference pictures and called it something else, I would have immediately recognized it. It pretty much wins.
True i could have added more corridors. Unfortunately, for this maps true purpose they were not needed. Just watch what i post in future.
This map kicks ass!!!! And when you make a replica i love when people post original pics to compare! and you nailed it!
I have to say I'm really impressed by this, the amount of detail that you have poured into this to make it almost an exact replica of the original bridge is amazing, its just a shame you couldn't get to do the doorways, but that cant be helped. Its amazing how many great aesthetic maps people are coming up with nowadays, keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing your next creation
This map is excellent i will be differently playing this map because i loved the halo campaign. I've posted on the bungie forum too 5/5
Wow, it's amazing how you got the ship so close to the picture. It must have taken a lot of time to get that perfect. Anyway, great map. 5/5
i liked the computeres alot this must have taken quite a long time if you dont mind me asking how long did you spend making this?
Im very on and off in forging. I usually get interested. do alot the get bored. come back later. id say 5 ful days but it took me a month from start to finish really
These are incredible. I believe I saw another one of your maps. Oni Amphitheatre, was that yours? Well anyays this is incredible. It takes serious talent to make every deatail with a bunch of multicolored crates. This definatly deserved the feature!
This is great. Very accurate, you are obviously a very experienced forger (if your not experienced, than this is unbelievable). I wasn't expecting this to be playable, but I will give it a try sometime when I have a chance. I'm not sure how many supplies you have left, but it would be great if you could add more sometime.
It feels good to be a part of a forge community where people have imaginations such as these to re-create something that looks so stunning. Great job on the map, kudos to you.