Crucible (an Infection based map on Ghost Town) -Crucible, like the title says, is an Infection based map full of thrills and excitement. I created this map just to play with a few friends, and later it grew into something a full party loved to play. -The human survivors start out secure in the middle building, and other secure establisments. -Zombies surround the outside. There are several other places where survivors can defend themsleves, but a zombie can sneak right in without the human noticing. Here are some screenshots The main building area. (Sorry, I forgot you could leave the normal view) A boarded up, but secure location for survivors to use. Yet another defense againts zombies. Makeshift, yet useful. Another rundown, beat-up defense against the living dead. The reason I made some of the defense look like it was put up in a hurry was to set the mood of the game. This map actually took me several hours. Download Map Please feel free to rate and give some constructive criticism, to help me improve. -Thanks Nemihara for telling me how to post pictures.
Hi there. Right now I see you're trying to embed your images directly from B.Net. Not only are you failing to do so, but you are not allowed to hotlink images from Bungie. To remedy this, Save those pictures to your hard drive and reupload them to an imagehosting site. I recommend
Additionally, you need to have it in the full-size form. Luckily, this is very easy to do. View the image, right click it, and select Copy Image Location.
I like where you were going with the whole makeshift Idea altho it is widely overused and highly under appreciated as an actually forge technique unless in used for a Machinima. But for what you said it is and you wanted it kind of ruff looking ( hey I'm doing a ruff look in one of my maps but not this kind of of ruff) it Defiantly a 4/5 or 3/5 = 3.5/5
The idea of the map is unoriginal and the map's construction isn't the best of work. However, this map has potential to be good, if it had some better forging. I personally never forge on Ghost Town, so I can't give advice for improvement. But I will say you need to make the map neater because this literally looks like you threw the map together in 20 minutes or less. As it is now, it's about a 3/5.
Also when taking screen shots, try not too take them while you are i forge mode or in the forge ball. The tear drops show, and when it shows you in the forge ball it really dose look like u did this in a hurry. But other then that Keep forgeing, it is beter too see ppl that have ideas then not.