Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details This is the first map I've posted on forgehub and is the first map I've made in general. It's a racing map that takes players all through Avalanche in a single lap. It can be a little confusing the first time so I'm including a guide in case anyone gets stuck: At spawn, hop on a mongoose and take the ramp onto the mancannon. You should land on a closed in area. Take a left into the doorway and go across the next mancannon. Take another left and drop off the small ledge. Continue through the series of open boxes and drive up the watchtower base. Go through the open box and take a left. Keep going along the straightaway (right next to where you spawned) and take a left, followed by another straightaway. The track goes on to hug the glacier that separates the two sides of Avalanche. Dodge the trees and go up the ramp with the gravlift at the top. This pushes you onto a bridge (don't fall!) above some previous track. When you drop down, jump the bridge (again over a previous part of the course) and navigate the open boxes. Jump the ramp with the gravlifts and continue along the straightaway. Turn left along another straightaway, which leads you into the attacker's base. When you reach the top of the base, go into the mancannon and continue along the track until you get into the teleporter room (marked by custom powerups) that would normally bring you back the base you just left. You're done! Entering the teleporter brings you back to spawn and you can begin another lap. It's not as complicated as it sounds and the track is pretty obvious through most of it. Just don't expect it to be too aesthetically appealing. I'm only beginning to hone my forge skills. Hope you enjoy! Edit: I added the Img codes. I also deleted all my other posts. I actually did read the Rules, I just thought that it was only double posting if there wasn't a post from another person in between my posts. Sorry. If anything else is wrong please let me know. Edit (again): God, a 1/5. Could whoever's played and rated post what I should improve on and where? Apparently there's a lot.
no u don't link pics from Bungie.net, u upload them to a picture-sharing website, like Photobucket, and get the copy-paste code from there. as you can see, the pic is not shown in ur post. i'm not sure how long, but the mods could show you the exact process.
I haven't played it yet, but I can tell just by looking at it that it is quite confusing, as you said. The main problem I have with it is that it completely lacks originality. It looks as if 90% of the map takes place on the Avalanche floor. This will most likely make your map very uneventful, seeing as you can get the same experience riding a mongoose around a black Avalance. Now about the confusion. Since i have not tested this map, I may not be correct, but I have some experience with race tracks because I used to be somewhat active on the halotracks.org site. Anyway, the walls of the racetrack are not connected which leads to easy confusion and easy cheating if you are not playing with a trustworthy group of friends. I know that this is hard to achieve on a map made on Avalanche, but it is still true. My suggestions are as follows: -First and foremost, make the map smaller! Quality is better than qunatity. It will make the track less confusing and overall more enjoyable. -By the description, I have the impression you go inside the mountain in the center of the map with the mancannon that shoots you over the gap. In my personal opionion, this is a big no no. It's very tight in there and almost impossible to land on your wheels on the other side. You should also avoid having any possibility of death on a racetrack. Also, is there a finish line that gives you points when you cross? If you don't know what I am talking about I'll try to explain it. Most racetracks use the VIP gametype. Set a go-to point where you want your finish line to be, and when you cross the finish line (each player should be on a different team) you will receive a point. The best example I can give is Rocket Race. I'm sorry but I'm going to have to give it a 1/5 as well. Hopefully this will give you some good tips to either make a v2 or create an excellent new map.
First off, thanks for the reply Smitty. Also, if this post breaks rules somehow and can get me banned, please tell me. Okay, so I should make it smaller and avoid indoor areas for the most part? I can do that. I do have a question, though. There are some jumps that seem almost impossible for people besides me to make. I'll go off them in every possible manner, crash into walls in mid air, do multiple flips and land right where I'm supposed to. Then someone else comes along and does a textbook jump and fails miserably. I'll do the exact same thing and succeed. Could the objects be showing up differently on my television set than on everyone elses?
Alright, from the pics, I don't really like the map, probably cause of they way it looks. But who knows, it might play awesome, however it still looks like you just through it together. Also, on your question about you making the jumps, you might be Host, and being host or not effects gameplay.
I really don't know what's happening with the jumps other than what Youtuber said. That's the main reason that I suggest staying away from the hard to land jumps, or just jumps all together. Feel free to do what you please with your maps, but while jumps are cool and can be fun, it sometimes gets aggravating when you can't make them.
I know this is your first map so I hate to trash it. But honestly its not very good man... Some things you could do to improve it: Make some of the track in the air. It looks lie 95% is on the ground. Use some interlocking and Geomerging. It sounds bad but its not all that hard and it will really make your map look alot better. Try testing it ALOT before you call it finised it looks like it could break very easily. All in all a very not very good map. Sorry. 0.5/5
Scar3 Cr0w, try not to bring dead topics back to life. There hasn't been a post in here for over a week.