Blood Harvest

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Plan B, Dec 5, 2008.

  1. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    BTW this map ISNT suppose to resemble the actual map in left 4 dead

    You've found yourself in an unknown location find the way out, You are left 4 dead.

    OK so Ive made this map myself. I spent 10 hours testing,building,etc this map.

    This map was made for my Left 4 Dead gametype only!
    So if your gonna do a gameplay/forge through then use my variant please.
    I think my map and gametype emulate L4Ds gameplay out of any other ive encountered on this site.

    Recomened players-4 survivors on one team. use 4-12 people as zombies on another.

    there is one vip spot only and zombies spawn near it sometimes.

    Survivors-VIP Team
    No shields-normal-damage resistance normal-normal recharge rate
    Starts of with Pistol 2 spare clips-Normal movement-NO VEHICLES

    Zombies-Base player Traits
    Sword-infinite-No shields-Enhanced radar 25m-150% damage resistance-normal recharge health rate-200% speed-75% gravity

    Zombies are slower than traditional infection speed 300% because it simulates l4d zombies better and if it were 300% it would be hard to navigate the map.

    This is a VIP variant not infection ,but acts like infection with an objective.

    another difference between l4d and my gametype is that ammo is Extremely scarce. So on the first round you will be ok on ammo but after that it all depends on finding dropped weapons and pistols.

    HONOR rules do apply!

    the only flaw in the gametype is that survivors can pick up the zombies's swords, i made pick up weapons enabledfor the survivors for the pistols and flamethrower.
    there is no way to fix it. So plz do what was intened and dont use the swords.

    Shotgun x2-0 clips-never
    SMG x2-0 clips-never
    AR x1-0 clips never
    Scattered Pistols-0 spare clips-Never respawn
    Scatterd Firebombs(molotavs)-Never respawn
    Flares x2. never respawn
    Regenerator x1-180 seconds
    Radar jammer x1- Never

    Flares for blinding zombies
    Radar jammer to confuse the zombies
    Regenerator acts as health pack for the survivors
    Firebombs to light em up

    All vehicles are disabled and for aethsetic purposes only

    Starting point for survivors

    I am still learning to forge better and better.

    My best has yet to come.

    Also tell me if this one is any better than previous maps and gametypes inspired by l4d

  2. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    This is nothing like Blood Harvest at all. It doesn't resemble any of the levels in Blood Harvest, but that doesn't matter. It looks like you forged the map pretty well. I don't like your weapon selection, though. There aren't any flamethrowers in Left 4 Dead. The flares and radar jammers are a dumb idea too.

    I will download this and play it another time, but I would give it a 4/5 because I love Left 4 Dead and this looks fun.
  3. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    oops sorry it wasnt meant to. thread edited
  4. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Looks okay.... also looks like the map might be a bit open for a zombie map. If I was a human I would just get on top of a building and cover the one or two ways up. I think it would be pretty easy to break the map as well. One or two good grenade jumps and you found yourself a pretty invinicible hiding spot. But It does look like you tried so good work and keep up the forging. Guess its a 3/5.
    #4 RightSideTheory, Dec 5, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2008
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Looks good and has an average layout I belive but honestly I think you should keep practicing on your interlocking because there is room for inmprovent, or you could just int. more on the map.
    Looks good though, nice post btw
  6. Cydronix

    Cydronix Ancient
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    I have looked at a few Left 4 Dead maps on forge hub, and so far this one is the best. It plays pretty good on your gametype. Keep up the Good Work! 4.5/5

    GATORSHOES2 Ancient
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    its not a bad map, the merging is ok, i will download and come back with a complete answer to what i like and dont like about the map.

    also, its friday, december 05, 2008, 9:20 pm and there is no bungie weekly update yet, i know that they said there wouldnt be one on the thanksgiving weekend, but they didnt say anything about today???
  8. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Alright man. I've know we've had some"Beef" in the past, but I'm solely going to comment on your map, and leave you out of it. First off I love L4D, and I respect anyone that makes a map resembling the game. Your post isn't bad just a bit bland. Try setting up sections for each thing to make it more organized, so people can easily go through the post and find what they need to look at. I like how you used the L4D pictures for a download and map, but maybe just space both out because without taking a stare at it people would judge it as an introduction to the map. And maybe provide the download links at the end of the post so people don't forget to download it rather then just looking at the pictures. Now onto the map:

    Warning: This is based solely off pictures. I'm sorry but in the absence of my xbox I don't have the pleasure of playing this map. Maybe when my xbox is returned I will play and report back later with a full fledged review. But I hope this will help.
    I like how you tried as much as Halo 3 allowed you to resemble as much as L4D you can. With things like weapons,equipment representing L4D objects, and the map. You implemented the same weapons as the game, so kudos to you.

    As for Aesthetics I'll be comparing the look of L4D to the map. The starting point you did perfect on. You put the survivors supply table. But all I see in the picture is a shotgun if I'm not mistaken. If I'm not then I suggest adding maybe a duplicate magnum, or a regenerator. You also tried to show as much as L4D has to show. You kept the feeling in No Mercy with high buildings, and scattered objects like there really was a massive evacuation. I also see many possible routes and passageway much like the games. But what I suggest you doing next time is make a starting passage way that will lead the survivors for a good amount of time, then let them branch off. Object placement, and neatness does look a bit sloppy, but I don't know if you were going for that flow or showing the isolation from the game. In the pictures you didn't show the VIP extraction point so I don't know where the map truly leads. I also see multiple spots that people can break the map. I know honor rules do apply but try your hardest to at least cover them up, or eliminate them.

    But overall I can definitely see a good resemblance from Left 4 Dead. This is most likely the best executed, and much-alike one out there. I'll make sure to download and play when my xbox returns, then I'll give you the down low on game play. But just keep forging, and I'd love to see more L4D maps coming from you.
  9. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    To Scare Crow-your trying to get to the extract point.Not for kills as a survivor
    To Playahata-i left extract point off as a mystery otherwise unknown just like in the game. But I think waypoint is on when u play,but u guyz may turn it off if ya want.
    thanks guyz. This a green light for my next L4D map on Avalanche. But im takin break frm forge to play startn tah lose my

    PS ty for advice guys notably Playahata. Ya I just thought,wth if i wanna a good L4D map ill do it myself.
  10. redeyesmaster

    redeyesmaster Ancient
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    this map looks better then the other ones i have seen before, but i have one question for every one, why dont you make a left for dead map on ghosttown, or Avilanche. and you could use the timely look to it. but as for this look i like it ill try it out.
  11. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    i know my nxt one on avalanche. then maybe if i can get it right , ghost town. But it might be awhile, look at my PS

    btw honestly ppl when u play the map right u barely notice any of the flaws as Needz more interloxing
  12. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    I've been thinking about a map that plays almost exactly like this (Except mine would have had boss zombies and possibly more than one vip point) for the past 3 weeks but because of RRoD I haven't been able to make it.

    The map itself looks pretty well thought out, the aesthetics aren't bad at all and the map looks like it is well thought out.

    I have two questions
    1. How long would the average round go for
    2. When humans die do they respawn normally or are they permanently dead.
  13. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Well it really depends on how many people you have. But i can say this
    there are 10 rounds with a timelimit of 9 minutes.Because every VIP kill ends the round.

    And NO the players respwan 3 seconds i think. another minor difference between this and l4d. I made it like this cause if you dont have many people the game might get slow.

    BTW-make yo map,id love to see other L4D maps that are actually good.

    PS-Everyone may use my gametype. on their own map.
    Even tho this idea was mine(maybe?) and i left it out but it was too late. Make custom power ups that have long respwan,and have slow player movement but alot of health to simulate "The Tank" this was a feautre i fataly forgot.
    And you may tweak my gametype for your own map.
    BUT you must ask me first, And if its a little different from mine and make sure you let them know its not the original gametype or make it a different name. But u need to PM me first
  14. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Notice! the Fence Box Area iz where zombies spawn so it doesnt matter if u break it.

    btw i might get video of map thru agamers vid service.
    #14 Plan B, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2008
  15. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    looks great not the best but good. and not only for infection try slayer! ps are there any vehicles i didnt see em

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