Hey everybody, and thanks for reading this. I am, as of now, hosting a contest for the best Ancient Battle Map. By Ancient Battle Map, I mean something like a map that has catapults for both sides, and is designed so when one team takes certain places, they do not gain points, but have an advantage, with several man cannons on each side, calibrated so that when they shoot objects, the objects land in certain strategic places across the map, or simply in a line going horizontally across the map. Perhaps a man-made hill made of ramps and crates on both sides, so a spotter can find out where several enemies are, and tell someone below which man cannon to fire. A good idea would be to place more, larger hills of the same type across the map, with man cannons ready to shoot at or around them. man cannon ammo should be in a neat line or 2 behind the man cannons, mainly consisting of fusion coils, crates, wire spools, and anything that could be used to kill someone from a distance. Rules: 1. Choose a time period you wish to use for your map: Ancient-Swords only, mainly described in paragraph above, but with less artillery, and with artillery having only 1 or 2 fusion coils per side. Medieval-Swords only, with a single fuel rod gun on a platform that is inescapable once on, if you want something other than swords. Lots of artillery, with about half fusion coils. Gunpowder-Swords with magnums, with a wraith on an inescapable platform as before, but can also be in the very back of each teams bases, but inescapably enclosed(like by immovable objects merged into the wraith, but not large objects). All artillery fires only fusion coils, more hills and strategic points. 2. Gametypes must either be Team Slayer, CTF, or Bomb. If Bomb, then bomb placement point should be about where either the wraith or fusion coils are. No Bomb in Ancient time period. 3. No shields, obviously because they had either little or no body armor. In Medieval, shields are allowed. All Melee should do 50-75% damage, to reflect the fact that every hit was not a kill. In contrast, all wraith shots, fuel rod gun shots, and artillery should be instant kill. 4. In maps such as Standoff, the bases that the map comes with must be completely blocked off. All original weapons, objects, and deletable objects should be gone. Map must be created on a larger map, such as Sandtrap, Standoff, Avalanche, Valhalla, High Ground, or Last Resort. 5. The only vehicles allowed in all 3 time periods are mongooses, which can be used by 2 people as either a horse or a chariot. In the Gunpowder period I have already stated that a wraith for both teams is allowed under certain rules. 6. All maps must be in by January 25th. I will personally test each map ASAP, and will make my decision on the best in early-mid February.
This is really cool. Its posted in the wrong section tho, i think. But yea i will have to try this out.
can we do world war 2 like have no shields and usse only human wepons and instead of making a dday map we'd do somthin like market garden or bastogne if so i will most likely participate EDIT: oh yea and u should get a mod to move this to forge discussion
This is a good contest idea if a bit complicated. I'd like to compete; I'll do the Medieval one (maybe). It'll take me a while, though.
i'm so glad that i'm not getting flamed by people just yelling at me saying "This is ****ing gay" or some crap like that. maybe next time i'll have a WW2 contest or something.
Are Interlocking, merging, infinite buget and item .... all the other techniques used allowed or is this strickly a drag and drop competition btw I like this competition
interlocking is encouraged to make authentic looking hills and buildings(like farms, houses, temples, palaces, cities, etc.) and yes infinite budget and other such things are allowed. the only rules are the ones i posted, so you don't need to worry about anything like disqualification for these sort of things.