I am hosting my first contest here on Forgehub. The objective of this is to create a 1 v 1 map on Foundry. The prize for this is 1600 microsoft points. Rules: You must make the map on Foundry You must interlock and geomerge at least 1 objects End results are final You must make this for default slayer You must submit your map before January 1, 2009 Your map may have up to 75 accessible grenades/weapons. You must make the map 100% by yourself You can have your map officially tested on Forgehub.com (TRC Guild) You may not use the unlimited money glitch and there must be at least $1 left in the budget Format for posting: Map Name Creator Download link ------------------------ Judges: RacoonSniper13 open open open ----------------------- Judge Application: Gamertag Maps Posted Any other related info ---------------------------------------------------------- [I hold all rights to select the judges (you may be denied)] ------------------------------------------------------------------ Remember Submissions are Due before January 1, 2009
Whatever, it was a while ago; but I'll post the only real map I ever made. It's garbage now, with shitty ass spawn points, but 1V1 could work I suppose. PS,Two double boxes don't spawn immediately, yeah I was editing it a while ago. You could play it with a big gap or go into forge really quick and just make force spawn walls and double boxes. I'll get the link soon. Bloumbas Maps posted-Bad Posture, some other ones. I lost the link for the rest. Hopefully this works. Er, info is above^^^ edit again= **** missed rules two and three somehow... count me out.
Rule 1) It is exceptable but limits creativity. Rule 2) Hahahahahaha again limiting someones downloads and glory just so you can have more hits on this thread. Rule 4) Lol so this is why forged maps suck, because of people like you who want "MOAR INTERLOXXXXZ 1/5!!!". Rule 8) Again limiting people's creativity with 25 weapons hah. I don't remember Bottleneck or Sewers (Both 1v1 tournament maps) with 25 weapons (although my memory may be fading). Rule 10) By "officially tested on Forgehub.com" I believe you mean the TRC Guild? Why not would you rather them submit a sub-par map. Plus if they were to even get their map tested by the TRC Guild how would you find out? Honestly good luck with contest, but I doubt you will have any luck at all.
The only 1 on 1 map I would submit is sanskrit v2 in my signature, check it out. It has more than 20 interlocked objects im sure. I dont think you will get as more submissions if you are not allowing people to post their previously posted maps
Not to mention all of the strict rules you have made. You have pretty much limited people to only making shitty maps (or at least not to their best)
Can I be a judge? Look at the map in my sig, so you know that i know a thing or two about forge. (plz msg me)
Before I start, it's actually spelt grenades. Gernades is not a word. Also, you misspelled accessible too. You've contradicted yourself with that rule. By saying "no more, no less" you're saying that the map MUST have 75 accessible weapons. So when making a 1v1 map for this, you must use over a seventh of your budget on weapons? That seems way over the top. Sounds like there'll be an abundance of grenades and a possible armory if that's the rules. In 1v1 you want to limit the variety of weapons, not amplify it.
I might enter one of my maps but I can never get it through testing. Like, never. I've got one that's ready but meh, I never get round to it. There's never enough people or anything on my friends list, but I've never though about the Testers guild.
Alright, I'll submit my two 1v1 Warmup maps that everyone on my friends list loves. Although I can't do that until my Xbox comes back from the repair center.
Now that the rules have changed, I might enter. I am in the middle of creating another map for another contest but if I find time in between then I'll join.
This is an awful idea. 1v1's in halo 3 are bad enough, but 1v1's with AR starts and no custom gametype to improve gameplay? PASS. 1v1s inherently be competitive, look up Greenhouse by Zanno. That is how a 1v1 map should work, its based off modified mlg settings and its made using geo's on ghost town to section the map into a quake style 1v1 arena. The fact that a map like that couldn't be submitted shows that this competition need some serious rethinking, stop imposing unnesscessary rules.
I have to do it that way becuase of lack of memory but if i get judges the rules will be changed again
You shouldn't be holding a contest if you can't make enough room on your HD for it... 1. May I ask why? I mean, there isn't a problem with it, but why limit creativity? 2. Completely unnecessary. It doesn't even make any sense. What if a map doesn't need any at all? Requiring only a single interlocked/merged object won't do anything. 6. No real need for this, especially since nobody in their right mind would place that many on a 1 v 1 map anyways. I'd enter if you expanded it to all maps. I don't understand a Foundry-only restriction anyways.