Hey, can anyone help me out? I'm looking for the Halo 2 Turf remake map but it seems to be evading my grasp... I've seen it on Forgehub not a week ago and now I can't remember where it can be found... Help, anyone...? Please, thanks! P.S.: Don't judge me, I'm new at this, Lol.
here is a link to the post. there are screenies at the bottom. when satisfied with the map, click back to file at the top right. then u can DL Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
thanks for that, but even though that map looks great and all, that wasnt the one i was looking for, sorry. i vividly remember it being forged more larger than the scale of the one you sent me. but thanks nonetheless, your help is much appreciated.
hmmm. ok. i dont think this one is much better, but you can still try it anyway: Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Haha, thanks again but i think i remember now. i think i went to far cry hub and from there one of the guys who posted a map had some maps on his signature and i think thats where it was at. im not sure how you've found these two maps so quickly when im only looking for 1, lol. but, yeah, thanks again.
theres a database of remakes from the other 2 halos and these are the ones for turf. sry they're not the one ur looking for
ok, thanks, ill let you know if my own ignorance gets to me and one of the maps you sent me was really the one im looking for. Lol
huh, i guess im the stupid one with either bad memory or a messed up memory cause i could not find the one im talkin about anywherez... sad face... SO, i guess the first map you put up is the right one or at least it will suffice. thanks, i guess. im such a dummy, Lol
ya i have seen another turf that was way better than either of those ones, but those are the only ones i could find.