Sweet Sticks

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rejecting You, Feb 26, 2008.

  1. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Have you ever had a stick that just makes you think 'WOW!' or you wonder how you got it? You went to theatre and checked it out and shows it was pure luck. Or it was just an awesome stick. Tell about them here.

    One I had two days ago. It was on Guardian, I was standing on the stairway thing that goes around the sniper place. I was at the top of it where that explosive is, and I chucked a stick grenade over to where the other team was in the yellow room, the stick landed in the lift, and got shot up and then a person was running by and it got stuck on their leg.

    I can't get it on YouTube but its on my file share of Insanedrone822.
  2. Ark of Covenant

    Ark of Covenant Ancient
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    It was a Team Doubles match on Snowbound... I am getting ready to stick this guy. I throw a Frag and it hurts me. I then try to throw a Plasma, but I go back to quickly through the shield-door thing. Luckily, the plasma bounces off of the shield-door and sticks the guy as he comes through. It kills him, and I live. :squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_rocking: :squirrel_rocking:
  3. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    he he.. i was playin oddball in lone wolves on guardian right? so i was in 6th place.. so i'm lkike screw this.. i jump off and throw a sticky grenade. It just happens to land on the blue lift up to camo, and at the same time sticks the INVISIBLE oddball carrier. It gave me life.. i came back to win :) :) :)
  4. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
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    Do you have a film you could put on your file share?
  5. Wraith

    Wraith Ancient
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    I don't know if I can tell one in Halo 2, or if it actually didn't kill the person, but my friend decided and I decided to team up agains my sis, who suks by the way, and he sniped her in a turret in Santuary, and so anyway before she got shot in the head, I tried to throw a sticky from the Carbine spawn, and he popped her face, and the sticky landed on the turret. So lucky and so awesome. But yea, I know he kill-stealed.
  6. LOL zombie

    LOL zombie Ancient
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    i think i took it and delted it.. i did because i needed some more room.. lol
  7. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    mutli kills via throwing plasma in the orange or purple lifts in construct is always a save film for me, evan if its one
  8. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    I have a stick. Rumble Pit, on The Pit. I am in Shotgun room. I come out by rocket side side, still near shotgun room, see a guy jump off sniper tower and head towards sword. I throw it and right as he goes inside the sword room it gets him in the back of the head.
  9. Skill Caster

    Skill Caster Ancient
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    I didn't save the video, but once I was in Lone Wolves on Narrows, and I was charging at this guy, who also happened to be charing at me. We both jumped in the air, and in perfect coordination we both threw plasma grenades. It wasn't exact, but when played at normal speed it looked like we tossed the grenades to each other.
  10. icedemon

    icedemon Ancient
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    i was on guardian near the invisibility and the was a guy shooting me from sniper tower. he reloads and i throw a sticky which hits the big round tower and hits anothr guy behind him. also i have gotten lik three sticks jumping from the sniper side shotgun ramp at a guy on top of sniper platform and hitting him. its happened to me so much i just deleted the clips.
  11. Ferretness

    Ferretness Ancient
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    I have one on PI,

    SO I'm down in the shotgun area and the grav lift is broken. I'm waiting for it to respawn where this guy names Coyote runs after the other guy we were fighting (it was a 3-way) anywhoo I jump up and chuck a plasma just for shits thinking "there's no way I'll get a kill". Then I run and decide I'll go up the other lift and cut him off. Half way across I get a "DOUBLE KILL".

    Turns out it bounced off the wall and blew up right next to them while they were about to double melee them selfs. Like bullture but closer, they're arms were up and everything.

    I'll upload a vid soon
  12. VestigeL

    VestigeL Ancient
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  13. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i'd like to see a thread like this in videos.

    i was on narrows playing team doubles in matchmaking with a friend of mine, we got dominated but we both got some crazy sticks in that game. i was crouched behind some cover on the bridge and i watched the two red dots come up behind me on my radar. I casually uncrouched when they walked by and took a few steps behind them and tossed a grenade into the side of one of guy's heads (it was a 2 foot toss) and i lolled as he blew up and his friend came after me.

    i have the film saved. it was just a funny stick.
  14. icedemon

    icedemon Ancient
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    i just had another sweet stick. i was on narrows on the os side mancannon and i threw a sticky off of it. then i went to the middle it said u stuck... i forget who i stuck but when i ckecked the film noone was there. but when i looked closer i saw i stuck an invisible guy. he must have felt so ridiculous!! lololoollolloloollol
  15. T3hFox

    T3hFox Ancient
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