Forge hubs Custom Gaming Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Creeping Death, Feb 24, 2008.

  1. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
    Senior Member

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    Forge Hub is Custom Maps. Forge Hub is Custom games on these maps. And this is the vehicle to access these great games and maps.

    After some debate about having custom game hosting on this site, I was encouraged (since admin. doesn't want a forum solely devoted to custom games) to create a thread in gaming discussion and hope it catches on,so here it goes.

    The Purpose of this thread is to bring together Forgehub members in custom game variants on custom maps mainly,but obviously playing on any map is acceptable. I realize there are great sites that already organize custom games,most notably H3customs, but this is more for Forgehub members to link up directly with other forgehub members.

    Once again,and this is to avoid any confusion *This thread is for Forgehub members to post and get together to play custom games*

    In my estimation,the easiest way to get right to what you want would be to post as follows:

    Step 1
    : Create a topic. In the title of this topic post the word CUSTOMS, then the date and time you want to play.

    For example, if I wanted to play on February 21st,anytime after 7pm my Topic title would look like this: Customs - 2/21 - 7pm est.

    Step 2: Make sure to post in your thread what it is you are planning on playing. If you wanna just do a bunch of random Forged maps and gametypes let the people reading your post know so they don't blindly enter a custom set of stuff they don't wanna do. If you wanna do slayer all night and someone who went through the trouble of finding you and friend requesting you doesn't,that can really suck.

    Step 3. Halo attracts a wide range age group of players. Which is understandable since we all agree that the game is incredible. Sometimes older players want to play with their age group rather than a bunch of screaming prepubescent kids or creepy old guys,face it,we've all been there. To avoid this just post which age bracket you reside in at the end of your post. Age brackets are as follows:

    Kids - 12 y/o and under
    Teens - 13-17 y/o
    Adults - 18+

    This will help alleviate the frustration of playing with someone you may deem too old or too young to play with.


    So by the time all is said and done your post should resemble this:

    Customs - 2/21 - 7pm

    Playing some customs on Forged maps. Random gametypes including CTF,VIP,Jugg,oddball,ITS,Grifball ect...

    18+ please

    In conclusion...

    Hopefully this thread catches on and we can all get to doing what we love most,Forging custom maps and playing games on them!
  2. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    I figure I will give this a shot.

    1. Customs - 2/24 - Midnight PST, 9 EST

    2. Mainly playing Foundry made maps and game types. Testing my level 'Complex' a base assault type game, perfect for infection, one sided flag or bomb, and territories. I also have other creative mini game type custom maps and of course i am open to other suggestions.

    3. Everyone Welcome - However I have a low tolerance for annoying children

    Add me on Live or Just message me for more information. Looks forward to seeing the turn out.
  3. Ty

    Ty Guest

    I would just do a signup type thing. Or create your own dummy GT for it. That way you could just invite people that are online to your Customs.

    If you do that go ahead and me to it.
  4. frigoc1

    frigoc1 Ancient
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    CUSTOM GAMES-2/29-6 P.M.

    i wanna play some custom games on foundry-forged maps. i wanna play on 1-2 foundry map of each person starting with me, and after i show mine, i switch the party leader, and so on....
  5. icedemon

    icedemon Ancient
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    time sunday, march 2, 5 pm EST

    i dont care what we play as long i get to show my forged maps which i will take pictures of when i get a capture card.
  6. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
    Senior Member

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    you know you don't need a capture card to do that right?
  7. Matty

    Matty Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You wrote 'create a new topic' And i think you meant 'Post a reply'

    id change it cos it confused me..

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