Hey everybody turns out there is a way to fix your Xbox 360 if you have red ring no joke i tested it on my Xbox and it worked perfectly and I want to share this with you guys! Alright first you leave your Xbox on with the red ring....then you unplug the Microsoft cord and take away all memory devices. Then leave the Xbox on with red ring and leave the power cord of course plugged in the xbox. Leave Xbox on for about 20-25 min. Then After that time plug everything back together and shut off the xbox for about 15 min. After that turn on your Xbox and Before you know it your Xbox will be working fine! Just to let you know your xbox might run for a week to a couple of days before you get red ring again you just have to repeat the steps again.....well I hope this Helps many of you people with red ring! Glad I could help! 1: Unplug the Microsoft cord...except the power cord. 2: Remove all Memory devices. 3: Leave xbox on with the red ring 4: Grab between 2-3 towels 5: Wrap towels around xbox and leave the xbox on and let it sit for about 20 min. 6: remove towels and put everything back on the xbox including Microsoft Cord, And all memory devices. 7: Let Xbox sit for about 15 min. too cool and then turn on xbox and I'm almost positive it should work!! ADVISORY: I'M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO YOUR XBOX I'M JUST SURE THAT THIS WILL WORK IF NOT THEN YOU HAVE A PRETTY BAD RED RING.
DOING THE METHOD ABOVE WILL VOID YOUR 360's WARRANTY!!! (It harms other parts of your 360 that are fine, causing permanent damage down the road, and voiding your warranty) Just send your 360 in to microsoft for a new pretty one, mmk?
Most people know about this lol. I suggest what draw the line said. Send back to microsoft. Luckily i'm still on my 1st xbox after a year and a half =)
Hmmm, wouldn't recommend this, though in canada you get someone else refurbed box, so I'm not completely sure thats any better. Trade it into gamestop, and chunk out some dollars on a new one.
Well this thread is already pretty colorful, but it's missing pink ;D Also, why would we want to do this in the first place, if you are that obsessed with your box that you'd void the warranty just to play, then you have a problem... Say I'm being an ass... but seriously, never make home repairs.
THANK YOU!! Seriously, everything Randle Scandal said is true. If you're willing to break your Xbox 360 further and void the warranty by doing home repairs just so you can play for a bit longer, then you're a pretty sad person. Anyway, how does wrapping it in towels help? Surely, it'll just exacerbate any problems that cause the RRoD in the first place. Just send it in for free. I'm sure you can go 2-6 weeks without an xbox.
The problem lies in the graphics card getting too hot...and the sodder melts messing up the card causing the RRoD. Wrapping the 360 in paper towels heats the system back up...and the sodder melts again, resetting itself temporarily...key word temporarily.
lol. thats gotta suck. i think soaking ur xbox in anything will make it mess up. anyway, about the actual thread, i would rather be safe and send it into microsoft. plus it could like start a fire, u never know...
We've "towel tricked" BlazeIsGods' Xbox twice now. Depends on the issue with the Xbox the towel trick is not a guaranteed fix even then.. it's only temporary.