A combination of guides and methods for capturing a film in a video game. Basic Video Capture Guide written by xSharpshooter94 Original Thread Did you ever wonder how people make these amazing videos like "Red vs. Blue" or the new popular Machinima "Spriggs"? Well don't try to use your mother's camcorder to videotape the glowing lines on you TV. The best way is to use a device called a capture card. This piece of hardware can be used to play your game or watch TV on your computer. When doing this you can record what’s going on in the game. Now you may ask how do I get a capture card well you can buy them they can range anywhere from 40-120$, American money. This is expensive but necessary to make a good movie. I personally use a device made by Adaptec called a Gamebridge I can tell you that it is very reliable as long as you have the right operating system (it doesn't work on Vista unless you mod the crap out of it). You plug the video and audio jacks into it and bring up it's sister program Intervideo Home Theater(for other devices open up the program that comes with it). Then you start playing the game. When you are done playing, go into Theater mode in halo. Get to the screen you want and then hit the record button. Once you have all the videos you want, open up a video editing program and import all the vids you took, and then edit away. You can record and edit in audio or maybe just add a song. With a bit of practice and a little ingenuity you'll be an expert video maker in no time. So i hope this tutorial was helpful and um good luck. Now if you dont want to buy a capture card I'd be happy to help you out and record a few vids for you. All you do is PM me with the file share slots and/or a way that i can get in a game to record live for you. See you guys later and happy film making. Advanced Video Capture Guide by Penguinish Original Thread First things first. You need a Capture Card, or Capture Device. In this guide I will be using an external capture device, called Dazzle DVC 90. As you see it has a yellow video jack, a s video port, and white, red, audio jack. Next, you need the scource of what you want to capture. In this case I will be using my xbox cables. Assuming you know that all you need to do is match the cables with the jacks right? Worng, this is the advance guide, were going to make things easier to record. This is where our friendly Y-cables come in. The Y-cables have 3 ends, 2 male ends, and a female end. Whats with the big gold one? You dont need the gold one, but its more expensive, and gives a better quaility when used for splitting the Video signal, you can use a small black one for video too, but i use those for audio. Female Male Now using your xbox cables insert each one, in to the female end of the y cables. Now 1 of each cable into their color coded jacks in the capture card. Next insert the remaining male ends into their approite place on your tv. Now, what we have done is Split the signal of all 3 source ( video, left audio, and right audio. ) from the xbox, to our TV, and Computer. Now you no longer have to stare at your video capturing programs small preview screen. See, i have a preview on both my laptop, and tv! Wait, whats that? Your capture device is to far away from your tv, so you cant split the signals? Well your going to need a double sided A/V cable, and a Coupler. double sided a/v cable on the left, coupler on the right. Now that we have a extended cable put the other end of your cable in to your capture device, and the y-cables in the coupler. Ta-DA! Thats pretty much it, on how to set up your video capture device, the advance way, yes, it will cost a bit more, not so much, but in the end its alot easier on you. Wait! How do i capture, and edit video? Well theres many ways on going about doing this, one way being is that if you buy a dazzle/pinnacle capture device, it comes with its own captureing program, and video editor in one. Infact most capture devices will come with thier own capturing programs, and another disk for video editing. I use pinnacle studio 10.8 to capture video. When im editing video i use Sony Vegas, and Adobe After Effects. Sony Vegas making blood spew from a guys head in after effects. When your making machinima, or just editing a video in general, never, ever, no matter what cirumstance, use Windows Movie Maker. Find a diffrent video edting program, theres lots of good ones, and some have free trials! http://i212.photobucket.com/albums/cc229/Penguinishy/failmaker.png?t=1216142603 FAQ! What is video Capture? Video Capture is the process in witch we use a Capture Card, or Capture Device, to capture video and audio from an composite source, such as, your gaming console, or camcorder. Capture Card, Capture Device, whats the difference? A capture card, is a PCI card that you insert in to one of your PCI slots ( no innuendo here) PCI slots are found in the back of your desktop computer. A capture card cannot be used on a laptop. A Capture Device, or External Capture Card as some people like to call it. This Device will connect to your computer via USB. These are the most verstile for capturing, because they can be used on any computer with a decent processor, and USB 2.0 slot. How much does a capture card/device cost? Most cards/devices cost around $80-$300 USD. What should i get, external, or card? Both are good. Internals, are conncted directly to your motherboard, and that makes for faster, and better video quaility. However, you can use an external on both a laptop and desktop. And its hassle free, because no need to take your computer apart. Quaility is heavly dependet on your computers processor. If you have a shitty computer, theres still hope, pinncale video transfer. It will record your videos with out the need for a good processor. Well if processors are soo important when video capturing, whats the ideal speed? 1.4GHz is decent but idealy you will want anything 1.7GHz, and up. How much do those Y-cables cost, and where can i find them? You can find them at your local electronic store, i got mine at radio shack for about $7 each. How do i know what card is right for me? Well the best way would be to look at the capture card database over at halo3forum. I have an hdtv, and everything you need to capture, only problem is that my capture card dosen't detect my signal. Thats because your xbox is set to HDTV, and your box is sending signal to your hdcables, and not your yellow video cable, simiply hit the switch to TV mode on the back of your box. UGH! this looks like **** on my HDTV are there any HD cards?! yes, but they are a hefty price! I know of a Card, and External, the card is called intensity Pro, and your going to need a ****ing awesome computer to run it. The other external one is the Huppage HD PVR. Both are equaly expensive ranging up to 250-300 dollars USD. What card do you use? I use a dazzle DVC 90, as seen in the above guide. Its no longer manufactred. However, better ones can be found at Pinnacle Systems- Video Transfer/Capture|Move, archive, share your videos/
I seen you broadcast over at Justin.tv - Penguinish Tv - Live Streaming Video how do you broadcast your gameplay? Well, Justin.tv thinks my capture card is a webcam, and im able to broadcast, because of that. I know people who have capture cards, and justin.tv doesn't pick them up, i have no idea on how to get them to work, mine just did. After Effects, and Vegas Cost too much! Where can i get them for.. "free" Thats your problem, and im not telling you. However, most video editing programs have free 30 day trials. GameVee.com Tutorial by Ivory Snak3 Original Thread Ok, on one of my rare ventures into the b.net forums i found a diamond in the rough, a smart bungie forum member. This thread shows you an easy way to get your vids to youtube, the only downside is i'm not sure whether videos can be edited. i shall paste it all herefor convenience, but note this is not my work. Ok I know there is a thread about this but that thread is outdated and wont work with the new Gamevee and Gamevee grab so I'm making this one. It's not as complicated as it seems and you can have your video on youtube in no time. Works easier with firefox. Note: If you're using IE, you have to view the source to get the .flv url when you input the " http://www.gamevee.com/flvcontroller/index/" link. (Right Click > View Source; a document should open up and look for the flv file or the first address listed) - Thanks CostlyAxis >>>Step 1: The most important step is to make sure you're registered on Gamevee. If not, then make an account it's not complicated. >>>Step 2: Make sure that the film clip you want to get uploaded is in your fileshare. >>>Step 3: Go back to Gamevee and click at the top where it says "more features..." After you click on that will you see the grab icon. Click on it and it will take you to the next step. >>>Step 4: The next page will ask you for some information about how to get your video. Important - Make sure where it says "Name you gave film" that you input the same exact name of the film clip in your fileshare or it wont work. After filling out all the info click grab and within a few hours or days (It only took about 30 mins for some of my vids to show up) you will receive an email stating that your film has been grabbed. >>>Step 5: Now that your video is on Gamevee, you have get the .flv file from the website. To do this enter this link http://www.gamevee.com/flvcontroller/index/ and at the end put in your video ID which can be found HERE. So for example the final link would be http://www.gamevee.com/flvcontroller/index/38383 (the numbers are just an example not an actual video.) Copy your new link in your web browser and it will take you to a page that looks like THIS. Now copy the first link that shows up and paste it in your browser. Your .flv file should start downloading. >>>Step 6: Now that you have the .flv file, you can simply upload that to youtube and it will work but you wont be able to watch it on your computer unless you have a FLV player. If you want to convert it to a watchable format such as .avi, go to this website and hit the download button towards the bottom to download the free converter. Once it's downloaded, open the .zip file and click on "flvtoavi.exe" to begin installing the program. >>>Step 7(optional): To finally convert your video, open the program and click on add. Find your .flv file and click on start at the bottom and the new .avi file will be saved to the output directory that you choose. Posting a Video to the Site by SoggyDoughnuts Original Thread Embedding Videos: There are two ways to embed youtube videos. The Easy Way: 1. Check the "Use Goldbrick Video Options" checkbox 2. Paste Youtube video where you want it in the post The Advanced Way: 1. Click "New Thread" at the top of the page 2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page 3. Check the "Use Goldbrick Video Options" checkbox 4. New options will appear, Fill the title in as neccessary 5. For the size use 425x355 6. Paste the url of the youtube video you wish to embedd at the bottom of your post 7. Just like magic it has been embedded to the site. If you have any more questions please ask in this thread. They will all be compiled into a FAQ and placed in this post.
ask pengy, i didn't write that... still i do know, thats only for the audio. If you just plug in the HD cables you can play on both the screen and the TV(HD cables). If you have no HD TV yes then your ****ed...
Yea, and this will be a problem when you are recording because your computer wont keep up with a real time preview when its recording, so not only will you be playing on a small preview screen in most cases but also wont be able to tell whats going on with out it!
Wow you have been really helpful to the community lately for some reason. I dk why But ya this guide is very helpful for those who would want to follow in the ways of the sharp and capture there videos nice guide
thanks man and I don't know why either. I guess I always was but lately I've been having good ideas for guides and such. Also lately I've been more laid back. Dunno, why I just am.
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