That is right ladies and gents... I am playing a song on expert on lefty mode, oh my... And I am right handed too =) [youtube]FD58ois6KBY[/youtube]
The clicking of the sticks on the pads hardcore overpowered the actual song. I watched 10 seconds and gained a headache. The curse of the clicks in gh and rb....
lol how many people have added you? I know i did just for kicks and giggles. i go on maybe once a week anyhow, gj on teh song!!!!!!!! time to hear a real recording of ur work?
ewwwwwwwwwwwww you tv looks horrible, how could you play halo on a horrible bubble tv like that. OH, and i watched the first 40 seconds of it because, i didn't like the clicking of drums.
pretty much the same as righty it looks like, ill try it far my best on that has been 96 on expert...:O near the end is the tough part
No.... lefty is way harder. It's stupid, b/c your hand side doesn't matter for drummers, but it does in the game. It is like inverted horizontally...
Wow mike that was really good although I did not watch the whole thing because the tapping is very annoying.
Nice, dude. I'm a lefty myself and I play open-handed on a 'normal' kit layout. I was all excited by the topic header 'cause I don't know any other lefties. But still, nicely done. Now let's see you do something off ...And Justice for All, lol.
I do not have Blackened downloaded... I tried And Justice For All on Lefty mode Expert wayyyy too hard but with some practice I can achieve it...
Hardest song is Run to The Hills what are you on?? I have seen blackened on youtube... not that hard.
Me Me Me, I'm a lefty, but I suck at drums and rock band drums. I'm actually ambidextrous, but I do most things left handed. I didn't think to do lefty switch for the drums, but I would be horrible anyways because I can't maintain rhythm. I can hit all the notes, but it is so repetitive that I just have brain lapses and mess like 10 notes in a row before I can recover. Also, my foot gets tired from pressing the pedal on hard songs. Mike you are very good.