Blind Please read this to understand the point of Blind and how it works: This is the first map that I am posting, so please be kind. In this new, imaginative minigame, the humans must be able to hold off the river of zombies and keep it from reaching their base. The humans spawn inside of an inescapable base and the zombies spawn in a hallway that is separated from the base by a window (fence walls) and a dense row of teleporters, which serve a duel purpose: first, they blind the humans, and second, they allow the zombies entry to the base. If the zombies are able to reach the teleporters, they are taken to one of three receivers inside the base, where they are able to slaughter the humans, who can't camp due to the base being separated into seven cells by shield doors. To give the human team time to orient themselves and discover how the game actually works, one lucky member spawns inside of a box that is above the teleporters in the hallway. They have free reign over the zombies (In small parties, he is only able to get three to five kills, but this depends on party size) until ten seconds into the game, when a shield door spawns in front of him, blocking all but a small range of his view. Once all of the humans inside the base are successfully eliminated*, a switch is used (it's nothing compared to the godliness of the elevator in Moon Waffle though) to bring the human in the box back into the base so the zombies can kill him. * Obviously the humans can activate the switch too if they want - that's just its original purpose. __________________________________________________ The Gametype Zombie count 50% 4 rounds Round time limit 2 minutes Human Traits: - 100% damage resistance - no shields - instant kill damage modifier - primary weapon magnum - no grenades - limited ammo - 90% speed - 150% gravity - sensors off - 1 point per kill Zombie Traits: - 200% damage resistance - no shields - instant kill damage modifier - primary weapon energy sword - 75% speed - 100% gravity - sensors enhanced - 2 points per infection __________________________________________________ The Map The hallway: A view of the hallway from the zombie spawn. Note that this was taken at the start of the game, so the box is without the shield door. A closer view of the box at the start of the game. A view of the hallway from inside the box. The box after ten seconds with the shield door. Sorry if the picture is confusing, but the person stays in the box until the switch is activated; I just took this picture with the box empty. The base: The human base without its roof. It's hard to see, but there is a vertical large shield door going directly down the center of the base. The human base at an angle to show the vertical shield door. In this picture, the receiver nodes are above the floor to reveal their locations. A view of the blinding wall from inside the base. Another view of the blinding wall from further inside the base. There are two zombies in this picture. The Switch: The switch untouched. A zombie activating the switch. The switch activated, forcing me from the box. __________________________________________________ Links Map: BLIND Gametype: Blinded __________________________________________________ Extra I recommend 4-14? players. I have also experimented with a few variants on the gametype: - The humans have needlers instead of magnums. I might do this in 2 Blind. - The zombies have poor camo (they can't have good camo because the human's reticles wouldn't be able to turn red) or are just faster. I won't do either of these because they would make the game too hard for the humans. _________ The shields and damage resistance were changed because I originally meant for it to take two or three regular shots or one head shot for a human to kill a zombie, but there would be so many zombies (three or more) moving through the hallway that the humans could never kill them in enough time (they were also faster at that point in testing). Also, for some reason, no human ever seemed to be able to get a head shot when firing though fence walls with a magnum. __________________________________________________ Updates: - 12-17-2008 - v2 - Started VIP spawn room after initial failure. - 12-21-2008 - v2 - Finished VIP and attacking team starting areas. Fixed issues with gametype. - 12-23-2008 - v2 - Fixed issues with teleporters and VIP box. All game mechanics work perfectly now.
I like it, It is something different. I'l have to play the map to see if it's fair for both zombies and humans, but I'll sure give it a try.
wow this map looks great im gonna down load it right now! an if this is your first map posting you did a great job, please continue posting more!
Can you please explain this a little more please, I dont understand it somehow. Are the humans just supposed to shoot through the teles blindly, right, no, IDK just explain more.
Thanks guys, I've tried to make the map as fair as it possibly can, but it depends on how well the human team knows the game: if they don't know what they are doing, the zombies will quickly make it to the end of the hallway, but if they do know, the person in the box will be able to get many kills (which is why I only gave him ten seconds), as the respawn time is very short, and they will be able to defend their base for until their ammo runs out (it is limited and they can't pick up any more). I have only been able to test the map with a relatively small parties (4-6 players), so you'll have to tell me the recommended player range. I have also experimented with a few different gametypes: - The humans have needlers instead of magnums, still limited ammo. - The zombies have poor camo (I don't know how well good camo would work, as the human's reticle wouldn't be able to turn red). Youtuber, the humans must shoot through the teleporters blindly (their reticles turn red when they are looking at a zombie) to keep the zombies from reaching their base.
This looks like a cool map, as i haven't really seen anything like it before. I would download it but im not a big fan of zombie maps, im more into competitive. Good job at making something original and i cant wait to see more from you in the future.
First off Zombie maps arn't my "cup of tea" so I might come off as a little to harsh . My bad. I think that instant kill might be a little bit much. Ten seconds of free reign over the zombies with instant kill might equal out to say 15 kills or more? Depends on the amount of starter zombies I guess. It looks like the winner would be who ever was the human the most. And why change the damage resistance and take off the shields if they both have instant kill on? Doesn't really matter just a question. Now that we're past the "rip your map to pieces" part of my post we can move onto the part we're I talk about how clean the interlocking is lol. You do have an original idea, and the shield doors everywhere would help the zombies out. I suppose this is actually a good map. So 3/5. Good job.
To Scar3 Cr0w, The person in the box can only get three to five kills in the first ten seconds of the game, and to balance it out, the zombies get two (I think it's two, but it might be three) points for each human they kill, sorry I forgot to include it in the original post. The shields and damage resistance were changed because I originally meant for it to take two or three regular shots or one head shot for a human to kill a zombie, but there would be so many zombies (three or more) moving through the hallway that the humans could never kill them in enough time. Also, for some reason, no human ever seemed to be able to get a head shot when firing through fence walls with a magnum. Thank you for approving my interlocking, it took forever for me to make the base even on both sides. Also, before I put the shield doors in the base, the humans never even noticed the fence walls that they were supposed to shoot through and would just camp, ruining the point of the game. It needn't necessarily be infection. It might actually work better if it were VIP and the VIP spawned in the box, the shield door never spawned, and it took him two or three hits to kill an attacker(no head shots), with the rest being exactly the same. The humans would just never respawn. I will have to try that and see how it works.
As requested, I'll give my honest review of the map. So I downloaded and tried it with a party of 12 players. Everyone was extremely confused except for me, because I read your forgehub post. So, the humans released the switch for the first round, thanks to a guest player. I laughed at the slaughter of humans afterwards. The next three rounds went well compared to the first, since everyone knew what to do. I must say, that I found it a little impatient to wait as a zombie. It didn't affect gameplay however, which went rather well after the first round. The concept of the map is definately original, but it confusing to understand and play correctly, especially in larger parties with more less-experienced players. All in all, the map gets a 3.5/5 because although it was fun it was very confusing and hard to be understood by the whole party. The map itself is well forged however, so keep up the good work.
Thank you Debayter for giving the first real post-play review. It is, by nature, going to be extremely confusing for anyone that plays it without understanding how it works, which I why I would always explain any confusing game to my party first. I never expected it to work well with anything more than eight or ten players, so I also thank you for confirming my expectations. It is just that, as I guessed it would be, the hallway is too thin for anymore than around three people to be in the base, shooting, without creating an impassible wall of lead for the zombies.
V2 After much discussion with Master Debayter, I will soon be posting a version two of BLIND with added ascetics and other minor changes. There will be one major change though. It will be VIP instead of Infection, which will give the defenders a goal (rather than just keeping the zombies from reaching their base, they are also keeping the zombies from reaching their VIP). The VIP will be the person in the box, who will kill an attacker with two shots, and thus the shield door will be removed. The VIP team spawns in a room in which the VIP picks up a deployable grav lift and uses it to reach a teleporter at the top of the room, which is unreachable to the rest of his team, taking him to the box, which no longer has a shield door in front of it. At twenty seconds into the game, the grav lift keeping the rest of the VIP team from reaching their teleporter is destroyed, allowing them entrance to the base. The attacking team spawns in a separate room, and at thirty seconds, the grav lift preventing them from reaching the hallway is destroyed, letting them rush in. After some thought and consideration, I have decided that the respawn settings option would probably work the best: The respawn settings are so that, when someone respawns, they are slightly slower and do no damage for five seconds, that way, the attackers will have time to reach the base before the defenders regain the ability to kill, and when the attackers reach the base, they have regained their deadliness also. I could of course, use a custom power up for the same effects without impeding the attackers. It depends on if it affects the gameplay. If I do not use custom power ups for the respawn settings, I will probably use them and an active camo to assist the attackers to make them faster and invisible. Also, The only way for anybody to get points is to kill the VIP, that makes the game more purposed to gaining access to the box, and takes away any trouble with the defenders always getting more points than the attackers.
For a zombies game this looks good, but I'm a little confused as to why you posted it in minigames? The only thing that is different seems to be the blinding wall and the teleporter switch holding the 1 human. I don't think it's enough of a departure from normal zombies to truly set itself apart, but I just plain don't like most zombies games so my opinion is a little bias. But I like your new VIP idea, how do you plan on getting the VIP to spawn in that location? Also I know how you can take the human players out of the game if you're interested, I would be willing to help. GT:Timeless161
Morphine, To make the VIP spawn in the box, you have it so the only starting point for defenders is in the box, the rest are just respawn points. That way, the VIP will spawn on the starting point, and the rest of the defenders spawn on the respawn points inside the base. I will send you a friend request sometime this weekend to discuss your idea.
Actually that's not true, I just tried it 3 times in a row with mixed results for each time. I know a way to do it but it would involve a starting room with a kill timer.