Hello everyone, I have been comeing to forge hub for some time now, im not sure when but i think I've been a member for about a month 1/2, maybe, and today i was dissapionted . i was read a posted map named Peter.I soon found that the map was a ***** made up of boxes on Foundry. I, at first, was saddened by what the map was. Then i quickly realized that people made this map out of control. Many were saying "Ban him!" in there own way. Few were actuly trying to help him. But waht really erks me is that Peter, a map with a *****, gets more talk than allot of the featured maps do. The post Peter got 7 pages of talk, mostly of him getting banned. I am not completely sure why I feel the need to talk about this but, I (for some reson) think that it should be metioned that boxes shaped like a ***** got so much talk. I would greatly like people to voice there opion on why this map got so much talk, and the ones that could be great don't. P.S. I have posted this in Gaming Discussion i hope its the right place, please tell.
I really do not see a good reason for this post. The thread has been locked due to all this spam, but thats not the point. There is nothing to discuss, except that people like to jump at the chance to yell at someone when he "did something wrong", even if he didnt. It happens all the time. As I said, there is nothing to really discuss here, I'd say this thread is pointless, no offense to you, but the thread isn't really needed or to be discussed...
ZStrike is right. There is no need for this thread. That other thread was just flamed like crazy because of how much people hated the idea of a map being made the shape of a *****. Sure it had more pages of talk than most other great maps but it was talk of disappointment, not enjoyment. If a really cool map has 3 pages of people giving credit and another map that says "**** you" or something gets 10 pages of flaming and negative comments, which map do you think is getting more recognition for skill? Definitely not the one with the curse word.
I saw that map posted yesterday and i didn't post on it because i don't post regularly anymore but i must say that i didn't think it was really that bad, In my opinion it was just another thread and should have been treated by a mod like any other spam post which i assume is just having the thread deleted and issue the guy with an infraction.