Ok, well im not so good at forge, i love it, but i lack alot of skill, and i always wanted to make some really cool maps. I consider myself to be very good at making maps fair and balanced, and im very good and love to add scenery, to make maps look aesthetically pleasing. Thing is i really lack the skill to make the bulk objects, and without them you basicly have no map. I would really really really love for someone to just make this idea. I dont think it will take very long, the concept involved around 16 Double boxed bieng interlocked in a certrain way. What I Would Like I Would like 2 bases constructed, using 8 Double boxes, 2 bridges, and 3-4 Fence walls, on each base (images Below) I would like the bases opposite each other, one on the wall with the window on, and the other on the opposite wall, the one with the oil hose lying on the floor. Here are some images of the base that i would like. If you make this, please post it on your fileshare, and give me a link or a name, so i can get it. IF you want, you can have all of the recognision from making this. I will never use it to release a map, i will keep it to myself and you can have it all for yourself. Its all up to you.
lol well bud im already in the process of making something similar to what you speak of... It's almost done too so give it a few days you might see it by the weekend!
ok, well i got alot of art coursework to do, along with a 10hr exam over the next 2 days, so ill have next to no time to forge, thats the main reason im asking this, otherwise id be doing it myself. Anyone else? Please?
lol thats what I mean if you can wait until say friday or saturday it'll be posted up here on forgehub
thats what im posting for, i would like it now, or 2morro, of even on the weekend, i just would really love it doing. I suppose i could try it on the weekend, but id much rather it being done by someone good. I cant interlock very well... Literally it would take around 20 minutes.
lol i'm not good? you mis understand im really good at interlocking, its that im already making a map like that and im almost finished with the whole thing... trust me... ill message you later tho to discuss it
i never said you wernt, i would love it to be done by anyone, especially someone who is really good at interlocking, because i would much love to see it done properly. You misunderstood me, i merely asked if anyone could do it now. Buts its ok ill wait. And thanks for bieng able to do it, i guess ill have to wait till the weekend.
Re: Requesting [Part Of] A Map To Be Made - You Can Keep The Idea For Yourself T Question: Obviously you have these pics from somewhere or from someone's map; why not just use the map you got those pics from? And anyways it looks like an interesting setup for a map; what are you planning to do with the rest of it?
Well like I said, I'm in the process of doing a few additions and creating the gametypes, it should be up and on the website by tomorrow night or saturday mid-day. There are two bases in the same position as you want your just going to have to delete the things around them, they're very well made. Two entrances >> enclosed staircase, and a ramp-way. Trust me they're what your looking for. Like I said just give me about a day or two and they'll be ready. Hell If I can get the time i'm gonna do the gametypes tonight and then have the post up by 6 or 7 eastern time. We'll see but I promise they're what your looking for.
Ok, ill wait till then and see how they go, but if they arnt what im looking for, because im looking for simplicity, then would you mind constructing me them? it would be a great help. for around 15 minutes work.
Re: Requesting [Part Of] A Map To Be Made - You Can Keep The Idea For Yourself T I just saw your picture for the first time... If im correct thats a base from draw bridge?? Anyway my two bases arent like that at all but in my opinion mines better... you can have a look see at mine, ill even clean it out for you... then if its not what you want then i might try to create one if i can find the time.
well...why dont you make the map yourself? if it takes 20 minuites to make.... youve spent more time here asking for someone else to do it..you couldhave done it yourself and more... :squirrel_hug: