There was a lot of thought clearly in this map. I really like the complexity of it. Why didn't they approve your guilder app again? .....
It's just creativity! :squirrel_wink: :squirrel_evil: There was one map in my last app that I think they found really confusing. I'll create a new app soon though, and I'll be sure to include this map.
There are three spots in midair (you can't see the recievers though) where you might appear, then you'll go flying towards the ground at a variable speed.
Another great map Gravedigger. This is probobly one of your best, and yes I have tried them all. Nice use of sheild doors and interlocking.
one thing i never bothered to ask when u showed me this before it came out...wheres the abyss? :squirrel_wtf:
Timesplitters all over. Thank god you didn't mod the aiming recticle to move all over the screen This map looks crazy awesome :squirrel_rocking:, and I am definately going to download this and let you know what I think!
I forgot to mention that. The name came from one of many entries in; I meant to publish the definition I used. It meant something about a completely new world, I'm going to add the definition to my post as soon as I can. Thanks; I liked Timesplitters as well. The second and third one had good level editors, and some of those challenges are hilarious.
Great looking map looks like it spices things up, sidenote I loved the Timesplitters series, my favorite map was the restaurant, I think I will make that map.
Thanks. I don't remember the Restaurant, but the design of this map is kinda like the Timesplitters maps I remember. Big, with many ways to get around, and a unique look.
It can take a little while to get used to it since it's so big, and has so many ways around. It's sorta like Lockout. It's about the same size and can seem about just as confusing as you play for the first time. Then once you learn the map, you really enjoy it and play it all the time with various modes. The map utilizes many techniques and design features yet to be seen in other Foundry maps which can further confuse players, since it doesn't look like any of the possibilities of what "Foundry could look like." The purpose of the map was to create a whole new map with a very unique design and look. And it had to be as big and as detailed as the bungie maps. I think you'll find that it was very succeusful.
The Furious Review By: JediWithASniper Here are my ratings and review. Enjoyment: 6 out of 10 Balance: 5 out of 10 Durability: 6 out of 10 Aesthetics: 5 out of 10 Originality: 5 out of 10 To begin at the beginning is nearly impossible because from the beginning I felt as though I was thrown into a pile of objects that had been thrown together haphazardly. Only after we had played for a full round of FFA Slayer did I begin to find a few interesting details in this map that I appreciated. I don't know if the word balance can even be brought into question seeing that it was FFA, so I will say this, the Sniper is way too strong in the wrong hands, and the difficulty of ascending to the Sniper's hill is far too difficult with 5 other people shooting you in the back. I didn't know what to tty to break, because everything already appeared broken, yet was very systematically placed in such a way as to appear broken. After a good while in the game, certain features began to stand out, namely the giant portal which reminded me of Stargate I once went through, no seriously though. The gate became known mostly as the deathtrap, because it would fling you out wildly to random places, and in turn get you shot by one or more people who were camping it's exits. The map overall has a kind of endless feel to it. I spent the majority of my time on only one half, because it seemed that there was almost no reason to venture away from the Sniper Tower, or the back of the giant portal. The one remaining problem I dealt with was that it felt like I spawned in the same place at least 20 times in a row. I was not the only one saying this either, there was a resounding cry of, "Is there any more than one respawn point?" I eventually did respawn at a different place, but then I was confined to that respawn point for at least another few deaths. Solution, just don't die, you will regret it. Or maybe, spawn some more respawners.Perhaps this map held more surprises that I was unable to find, but as for now, I believe it needs far more work to actually become top notch for FFA. My Overall Rating Is: 5 out of 10
Jediwithasniper, thank you for taking the time to write a review, however some of the things in it I think need to replying to, given the proposed rating. I don't think that you really saw most of the map and had a chance to really appreciate it. The area you describe as "half of the map" is actually less than a fourth of it. Also, I don't see how you can say that it's not neat. If you take a closer look you'll see that I actually interlocked everything such that the whole map is perectly in place. The originallity score is what really made me feel that this was an unfair review. If you take a close look at it, you'll see that this probably the most original competitive map ever created. It invloves many unique looking structures, and a completely asymmetrical design. If you learn the layout of it, and enjoyed FFA on Lockout in Halo 2, you'll enjoy FFA here, since it has the same feel to it. The sniper, I think you'll find, is not overpowered. Since, you can easily walk in the back where there is plenty of cover and he can't hit you, and assasinate him or beat him down. You spawned in the same place since players weren't moving around the map. It sounds as if you were all by the sniper and just running around and dieing. In the games I played, everyone moved around the map, never spawned in the same spot and twice, and found it to be really exciting. I've now played over 20 games on this map. If you don't like FFA, please try a different mode.