HIT City

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Tydo, Dec 3, 2008.


How would you rate this map

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  1. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    HIT City
    Created By Lanky Frank
    Welcome to HIT City, this is my predator map that was made over the course of a few months. It's primary feature is the lockable rooms(The switches used where popular when this was first made). Don't worry your never locked in, no matter what there's 2 ways into every room thus making teamwork essential.


    This is primarily a hiding game were strategy and teamwork is essential
    to victory. If the humans don't work together it's a turkey shoot for the zombie; picking off people one by one. But when the humans begin to form strategies instead of mercilessly killing one another, it becomes a challenge for the zombie. Work together or die alone :)

    The Map:
    HIT City is a urban industrial area in downtown of one of the sprawling metropolis's of earth. It's twin warehouses, water tower and other minute features make it rather easy on the eyes, although its not budget glitched so there's quite a bit of empty space. It make's for a suspenseful and difficult game of zombies. It has lockable rooms and many spots to hide.

    Video (It's Older Than This Version Of The Map):

    [gmvee]<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://www.gamevee.com/public/gameveeplayer.swf?video_id=659836&embed=on&vidview=on" width="480" height="420"><param name="movie" value="http://www.gamevee.com/public/gameveeplayer.swf?video_id=659836&embed=on&vidview=on" /><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"/><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"/></object>[/gmvee]


    -The Twin Warehouses


    -Water Tower Corner


    -Example Of Lockable Door


    -To Right Of Water Tower View

    Death Unseen
    "Please note that the content in these pictures are subject to change as i update the map regularly"


    • One Predator starts by his lonesome and begins the hunt for the humans.
    • The Predator has good camouflage, average shields with no regeneration, 110% speed, Lowest possible gravity, a laser, a sword and can pick up other weapons.
    • Humans start in a group, have regular health,shields and start with shotguns and assault rifles.

    • 2 Points per infection
    • 10 Points per zombie kill
    • 1 point per betrayal (Who can you really trust?)

    • Everyone has 1 life per round
    • 10 rounds default, (recommend 5 rounds for new parties)
    - Custom power ups do nothing, they are used to close doors
    #1 Tydo, Dec 3, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2008
  2. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    I would have to say that this kind of ruins the gametype. People will just start betraying everyone and then win. You should change that very soon.
  3. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Will do sir! Thanks for the constructive criticism ;)
  4. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    It has a lot of interlocking, that doesn't make a map, what makes a map is the ability to have fun while playing it and not get stuck like on concrete jungle. That map was messy, sloppy and everyone went to the same spot every time. On this map every round is different and provides new surprises and gameplay with every new player in the game
  5. FrickHorse

    FrickHorse Ancient
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    Some of the fence walls that were just sticking out in the map made it look a little weird, and you should fill up some of that empty space. Otherwise, its pretty well done.
  6. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I like the buildings, and the tower, however as everyone else has said, maybe its a bit too open for pretador. Thats what makes it fun, zombies walking around shaking stuff and getting in your head. Here it looks like when humans try to cross to another CAMPING SPOT, they would get picked off in the middle. But what do I know, Ill DL and try out. Looks like a very well put together map overall though.
  7. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    this is a very well put together map has good interlocking and those closable doors are great its hard to find a map that uses those well but does it have to be for predators can you also use other infection variants
  8. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    I love it. The doors seem okay, the buildings look neat, I wish that we had inside views of the buildings and stuff but oh who cares it looks delicious for preds...overall, great map, 4.5/5.
  9. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    Although there's near no weapons on the map, I have made it playable but i haven't tested normal ctf assault ect.. gametypes. If you use other infection gametypes make sure the zombies can jump as high as possible to ensure they can get to all the hunting points.


    I have made this map with the hate of the zombie game where you stand at the end of tunnel killing an endless wave of undead in my head. There are no camping spots! There is always 2 or more ways in with the exception of one building where you can still shoot through the fence wall with the laser to destroy your helpless victims.

    Also everyone keep in mind that this version of predator is tailored to this map and therefore has been modified and is not the version to be played on concrete jungle. This is why the game play's so freely and is never the same unlike the other version.

    If anyone has any other questions or constructive criticism please continue posting as i would like to make my map as great as possible. Thanks
  10. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Could be better with another gametype. You should make another infection gametype for this map, it'd be better then, because if people don't wnat to play predator, they don't have to!

    The lockable doors seem a good idea, but does that mean that if you lock a door, there's only one other way into the building?

    Also, you can do the budget glitch half-way through a map. Try it, you just need two players. More info at Forging 101 =]
  11. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
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    why are people unable to read........or see for that matter.?

    there is loads of intertlock on this map.
    and the plain,,,,ness is part of the game.

    also he said he had NO budget glitch on thats why..

    anyways really good map

    if u wanna play give me a pm or an invite


    GT: spazmonkey92
  12. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Response to map on bottom.

    out of all the bad posts ive seen you wright redeye this is one of the top 5. first of all the First post thing is unnessesary, second... too urban is how to spell it and its not that great of a comment. im not sure if you know but if you read the posts it will say what they do and using commen knowledge you could figure out they can be set to nothing. and if you go inside a building im guessing there is another way out, and if not then shoot to kill or just hide away, you do get a point for a betray. your last question confuses me. try putting a little more detail into you questions, from what i think you mean What if a zombie gets trapped in a building? well i would imagine there... just may be a way to get out for a zombie.

    Map response
    and now to the actual map, i find that this map is an amazing way to play predetor, ive always disliked the fact that they are indestrucable besides assasination. othernews the interlocking on this map looks superb and the layout of buildings and what not are amazing, couldn't have done better. the idea of the mulitple lockable doors is a very nice idea. my only real concern is that well to tell the truth if i played this game me and my friends would simply start killing eachother in the beggining. a positive score to such a bad act may lead to some problems, if not setting it back to -1 then what about 0? well i still havent had the privilage to play this map yet so i cant really make alot of assuptions. please keep me posted and contact me at Obibital on Xbox live, i would love to help with a map like this.

    P.S. oh and if i said anything that proved i didnt read the entire post (which is true) its becasue i just had to Dl this map. 5/5 Dled game AND gametype, which some people dont do.
  13. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    Thanks, i really appreciate comments and feedback, ill be sure to FR you for sure. Also, i did change the betrayal to -1 but thanks anyways, catch up with you later
  14. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    im just going to tell you i would actuallly like to see what happens with 0 points instead of -1. i dont know i gives the feeling of "never safe" if there are too many problems with that then by all means go back to -1. FR accepted
  15. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    2/5, not very well made. Make a new version that doesn't give such a large advantage to the humans.

    The bases are sloppy, and the closable doors just allow those closest to the houses to get in, because with most of them you have to close the door in order to walk in.

    And finally the alternate entrances into the houses when the doors are closed are sloppy to. All I am asking of you is to interlock more, toss in some geo-merged objects, and you've got yourself a 3/5 from me.

    Want a 5/5? Well I don't really know how to give it to ya cuz this map you've got here doesn't really seem like a Predator map, the GOOD Predator maps are always indoor or when they are outdoors they are very crowded so that the Invisibility Cloak that the Predator has actually does something.

    Anyways... I don't know what to tell you except for, my friends and I just didn't have a fun time.

    EDIT: Why don't you just turn Friendly Fire Off??? The whole point of Infection isn't to worry about what the effects are of killing your teamates, the whole point is to shove a Shotgun/Battle Rife/Weapon of Choice up a Zombies butt, fire, and hope that they die. Otherwise, I don't know what kind of map you are making...

    I think your kinda missing the point here...
  16. ODST Maps

    ODST Maps Ancient

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    I'm a big fan of predator and seeing this new kind of predator is great i know it took you a long time and it was worth it because the way you added the switched to close the door was very innovative.
    And again how teamwork is involved i would love to play this with a couple of friends.

    10/10 For this map and hopefully you can make " Hit City V2 "
  17. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    BTW, the bases are quite neat, and you obviously didn't read the post where i stated that the gametype was tailored to this map, it works perfectly fine, also about the doors, you can fit as many people as you want in not just the first one and the lack of "cover' or clutter as seen on other map was a sacrifice I made to keep the map un-budget glitched
    You obivously commented before testing and that is the stupidest thins people can do. Didn't anyone ever tell you to never underestimate things before you try them. Jeez! >:-(
    #17 Tydo, Dec 15, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2008
  18. A Firey Hobo

    A Firey Hobo Ancient
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    Tydo Real Nice map. The perfect feel for a predator map. I'm not that good at those lockable doors and you made them perfect. Although I don't love the idea of a predator with a laser, it's still really good. I see great talent from your maps. You should make a Cops and Robbers map.
  19. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    Dude, i love these kind of comments, it's nice to get encouragement and creative criticism from other forgers instead of: This map sucks. I am going to start a C and R map tonight actually and HIT City is always changing since i update it regularly but i do hope to bring out V2 sometime after Christmas, ill be sure to let you know, nice job on your map btw, i love how its not foundry. Even though i hate isolation i'm gonna try it! :)
  20. Royal

    Royal Ancient
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    First off I'd like to say that I love the water tower structure, its totally unique which is a rarity among foundry maps. Second, the lockable doors are awesome. As for the comments made before me concerning the openness of the map, I would disregard them. There are too many infection maps, especially on foundry, where the human is cornered at the end of a tunnel with wave after wave of zombies at his heels. This map is definitely a dl from me. Im making a non-foundry infection map atm so I hope to see your input when its posted!

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